DC Rebirth Recap And Review For Comics Released 9/20

Welcome to Graphic Policy’s DC Rebirth: Recap And Review where we take a look at the comics released under DC‘s Rebirth banner and try to work out just how accessible they are for new readers – we’ll also be providing  recap of sorts for the relevant story beats up until the issue in question in order to help you figure out if the series is something you’re interested in.

Each comic will receive a rating of Friendly or Unfriendly based on how easy it was for new readers to pick them up; the ratings are based solely on the issues released in the post-Rebirth ongoing series. More consideration regarding the comic’s accessibility will be given for the specific issue being read rather than the series overall, but if reading a back issue will help, then that will be mentioned. You’ll also notice that each comic will get a rating that falls on Graphic Policy’s typical ten point scale, which is there to help you pick between issues if you only want to check out one or two.

Not every comic is covered week to week, and that’s because I  sometimes forget to read them  (although that doesn’t happen often), or I really can’t bring myself to pic up the issue. If I have missed an issue, typically I won’t go looking for back issues to catch up on events – this feature is all about accessibility for new readers, after all.

Aquaman #28 You can actually go in blind here and be okay. The relevant backstory you AQM_Cv28_dsneed is sprinkled throughout the comic – often being used as a plot device. Without a recap, this is still a Friendly issue, and Aquaman remains one of DC’s top comics. 8.75/10

Batman #31 The fluctuating quality of this series is getting a little frustrating. When it’s good it’s really good, and when it’s mediocre it’s just that. The penultimate issue of the War of Jokes and Riddles which has been framed as a bedside tale from Bruce to Selina Kyle so that she can decide if she wants to marry him. Honestly at this point I’d wait a couple issue before diving into this series. There’s a new arc starting in Batman #32. Wait for that. 6/10

Batwoman #7 In the future Batman has a near militant control over part of Gotham with his Bat army. Batwoman wants to stop  him. And that has nothing to do with this issue. Thankfully, even though I missed an issue or two before the last one, there’s enough background info given via Batwoman’s thoughts to catch you up. More Friendly than not, Batwoman #7 is also  pretty solid. 7/10

Green Arrow #31 Ollie Queen and Green Lantern are in space battling a hideously scarred man in a suit of armour who just blew Hal Jordan into space with a nuke. Green Arrow is now fighting to hold his breath and to fight the scarred dude in order to stop a super secret evil cabal of villainous bankers called the Ninth Circle and their mysterious spy satellite ring from gathering the world’s secrets. As good as this is, it’s likely a touch Unfriendly even with the recap. 8/10

Green Lanterns #31 Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have been sent ten billion years in the past to help train the first seven Green Lanterns (a happy accident), Simon’s ring blew up GLS_Cv31_open_order_varand then he got four more after the four of the first Lanterns were killed by Volthoom, whom he’s currently trying to stop from destroying another planet in his desire to get home. There’s a glaring plot hole in this issue, but it’s other wise kinda Friendly. 6.5/10

Harley Quinn #28 So Harley’s running for mayor. This would be a spoiler for the issue, but it’s announced right on the cover, so is it really a spoiler at this point? Anyway after a a failed assassination attempt that left most of the assassins dead, Harley has decided to run for office. Although it’s a Friendly issue, if you’re jumping on board now then the big reveal is spoiled by the cover to the comic – whether you want to read the rest of it is up to you. 5.75/10

Justice League #29 The Justice League’s kids have come back from the future to kill them to prevent something catastrophic from happening. Future Aquaman has also come back wearing Future Cyborg’s body as armour to also stop the Justice League Kids and/or the Justice League. That probably makes no sense, and that’s because the issue is a touch Unfriendly. 6.25/10

Nightwing #29 A Dark Nights: Metal tie in. If you haven’t read that and Teen Titans #12, and don’t intend to, then ignore this. If you have, then you’ll be more up to date than I SM_Cv31_dscan make you. The comic’s pretty good though. 7/10

Superman #31 A new arc begins with this issue, and assuming you know of the two characters on the cover, it’s Friendly. 8/10

Super Sons #8 Honestly I have no idea what happened in previous issues, but I’m not overly sure why. Anyway, going off this issue alone, I was a touch lost at the beginning, but was able to piece together enough from the story itself in order to find it Friendly. 6.5/10

Trinity #13 You know what? As almost Friendly as this is, it isn’t going to rock your socks off. 5/10