Facebook Fandom Spotlight: 300. This. Is. Data!

It’s Monday and that means a new Facebook Fandom Spotlight looking at the general comic book fan population on Facebook. This week it felt appropriate to look at fans of the comic and movie 300 whose sequel opened this past weekend.

For this report, I looked at terms related to the movie or comic for instance “300 (comics)” and “300 (movie). There weren’t many terms, but a handful.

Facebook Population: Over 3,600,000 fans in the US

The size of the number of likes is decent for only a few terms. Spanish speakers account for 460,000 fans, 12.78%. That’s lower than the general comic fans 15%.

Gender and Age

While comic fans are about 46-47% female, fans of 300 breaks down 72.22% male and 25% female. It’s reported the opening weekend the audience for the latest movie was 62% male, so take into account date night, and this makes sense.

300 Fans

gender 3.9.14

We’ll next look at how the percentage of women and men break down through age.

US Comic Fans

300 age gender 3.9.14

Below is the above’s raw data. You can see this population is older than the general comic population.

US Comic Fans

300 age gender raw 3.9.14

Relationship Status

This data has expanded providing more results than ever before and new terms such as “civil union” and “domestic partnership” among others.

US Comic Fans

300 relationship 3.9.14

And for those that like pie charts.

US Comic Fans

300 relationship pie chart 3.9.14


I higher percent of individuals are in college compared to the general comic population.

US Comic Fans

300 education 3.9.14

Gender Interest

Like relationships, this has changed as well providing us with people who are interested in both men and women and those that are unspecified.

US Comic Fans

300 gender interest 3.9.14

And that wraps up a new Facebook Fandom Update. Join us next Monday for a brand new report!