Facebook Fandom Spotlight: Comic Fans 8/1/2013

It’s the first of the month which means we’re looking at the latest stats for our Facebook Fandom Spotlight, this time with comic fans in the United States! We did one only two weeks ago for San Diego Comic-Con so, we’ll be seeing what changes have happened in the last two weeks instead of a month.

For this report, I again looked at the terms we used in previous reports, over 40 “likes” on Facebook, primarily focused on terms like “comics” or “graphic novels” or publishers. I stay away from specific characters, creators or series, because this does not indicate they are a comic book fan. Data has also been gathered for the global fandom, but changes have been minimal since two weeks ago.

Facebook Population: Over 11,400,000 in the United States

In just two weeks, the fandom in the United States has grown by 800,000, and most interestingly the majority of that growth is women. We’ll discuss that below. Spanish speakers account for now 640,000 fans, 5.61% in the United States that’s a small gain from the previous edition.

Gender and Age

The percentage of male fans has dropped by a good amount in those two weeks. Men make up a majority of 57.89%. That’s a decrease of about 2.5 percentage points. Women are over 42% of the fandom now. Women increased by roughly 600,000 while men only gained 200,000.

Comic Fans

comic facebook gender 8.1.13 We’ll next look at how the percentage of women and men break down through age.

Comic Fans

comic facebook gender age 8.1.13 The trend lines when it comes to age and gender pretty much stay the same. There’s very little shift as a whole with the most obvious coming as age increases. And here’s all of that raw data. Women gained for every age grouping.

Comic Fans

comic facebook age raw 8.1.13 Relationship Status

As a whole the overall percentages don’t shift a whole lot and remain pretty stable from the previous week. The biggest change is a greater percentage of single individuals.

Comic Fans

comic facebook relationship 8.1.13 And for those that like pie charts.

Comic Fans

comic facebook relationship pie chart 8.1.13 Education

Compared to two weeks ago, the percentage of those in high school has increased, but that population made some gains, so that makes sense. Raw numbers are generally the same with women who are college grads gaining the most.

Comic Fans

comic facebook education 8.1.13 Gender Interest

The percentage and raw number of men interested in men decreased over the two weeks, while women interested in women saw some gains.

Comic Fans

comic facebook interest 8.1.13 That wraps up this edition. Join us Monday when we look at the fans of comic book movies.