Empowered Volume 9 is Beyond Your Comedy Imagination

Empowered Vol 9Get ready to patch up your supersuit for a new challenge, because Adam Warren’s Empowered is back, and the stakes are higher than ever for Emp!

Already under official suspicion and suspended from her superteam, costumed crime fighter Empowered finds herself the bewildered target of every major supervillain in the capes-and-tights field for her supposed access to alien technology. With a trick or two up her tattered supersuit’s sleeve, can our tirelessly plucky but sadly underestimated heroine outwit her army of tormentors—and escape the long-simmering revenge of the sinister Fleshmaster?

Empowered Volume 9 takes Adam Warren’s long-running series to a whole new level. Garnering critical acclaim from fans and critics alike, Empowered is not only a fantastic story—it’s one of the longest-running American graphic novel series currently in publication.

Empowered Volume 9
Adam Warren (W/A/Cover)
$17.99, 978-1-61655-571-9
On sale August 19