Review: The Warning #1

An enormous machine slowly materializes in a major West Coast city. Who sent it-and why-is a mystery, understood only by the malevolent beings gliding silently toward Earth through the inky vastness of space. In response, a multinational combat brigade called Gladiator Two-Six is deployed. Outfitted with next-generation military science and weapons, they’re tasked with stopping any extraterrestrial threat that emerges.

You know the 15 minutes before the opening credits of a film that sets up the action that’s about to rock for 2 hours? That’s the first issue of The Warning, Edward Laroche‘s new series which feels like a mix of every alien invasion film and Call of Duty.

That combination isn’t bad at all but we’ve seen in the last five years the alien invasion storyline can be so much more than aliens, crack squad of military, and presumably shooting. That doesn’t mean this has to be that but from this first issue, this is more Michael Bay than anything else… so far.

Laroche delivers the set up but there’s a chance of what’s presented isn’t all the facts and we may get a story that’s a bit more nuanced than aliens bad, shoot.

Laroche also delivers the art with Brad Simpson on color and Jaymes Reed handling the lettering. The art style is interesting a feels a bit like a cell-shaded video game. It’s a style you don’t see a lot in comics and stands out for that. The characters, though unique, are generally forgettable. The combination of art and story doesn’t make anyone stand out so far and five minutes after reading the first issue the looks and names are generally forgotten.

The Warning #1 isn’t bad. There’s something kind of fun about it in the popcorn movie sort of way. But, it’s generally generic at this point with elements we’ve seen over and over. Might that change? Sure, but as a first issue, it’s an entertaining paint by numbers experience.

Story: Edward Laroche Art: Edward Laroche
Color: Brad Simpson Letterer: Jaymes Reed Editor: Donald Hodges
Story: 7.0 Art: 7.5 Overall: 7.25 Recommendation: Read

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review