Tag Archives: joel saavedra

Get a Coronary with Black Mirror Meets Romeo and Juliet on Kickstarter Now

Plastic surgery is free. London is gripped by madness, dominated by cosmetic surgeons, lifestyle coaches and pill-pushers. Within this insanity, a neurotic businessman reconsiders the course of his life when a freethinking outsider crashes into it. But she doesn’t want him, or anyone.

Coronary is a comic series written by Ryan Burke with art by Joel Saavedra and Damian Pañalba.

The Kickstarter, running through May 4th, will pay the artists and cover printing and shipping costs of the comic series. The plan is to release a full twelve issue series.

You can pledge for as little as $5 for a digital copy of the third issue or $8 for a bundle of the first three. Other pledge levels include stickers, patches, and even the ability for you to be included in the comic.

Back the Kickstarter today to get this creative and unique series.

Review: Coronary #2

It is no mistake that the supplement industry has been under the radar for as many years as it has been. The many times players have been caught using just to stay ahead has changed how people compete in sports all over the world. In these last Winter Olympics, an athlete who parodied the fact that she may have took steroids, was found to have taken those performance enhancing drugs.   The obsession to stay ahead of the competition extends to the rest of the world, especially social media.

As the world has become vainer, people all over the world obsess over their looks, more than their health. This disdain for acceptability, has caused a crisis in self esteem not only in children but in most people around the world.  As the pursuit for perfection is what drive most people to gyms, salons, plastic surgery and whatever gets them to the next level. In the second chapter of Coronary, we dive more into what drives Justin, and are introduced to some new characters.

We catch up with Justin shortly after being apprehended as his company has been linked with producing drugs that’s has flooded the streets nationwide. We also meet Luna, a teenager undergoing therapy, as her distance from her peers has caused her father to worry that it is more than he what she says it is. Lady Kay, another player in this series is introduced, one who has rather treacherous intentions and looks to tip the scales in her favor. By issue’s end, someone has broken Justin out of the police precinct, for what reason, we will find out in the next chapter.

Overall, an excellent installment in an already astonishing series that looks to not only entertain but also make the reader ruminate. The story by Ryan Burke is ingenious, relevant, and enjoyable. The art by Joel Saavedra and Damian Penalba is luminous and alluring. Altogether a story that proves that comic books elevates literature.

Story: Ryan Burke Art: Joel Saavedra and Damian Penalba
Story: 10 Art: 10 Overall: 10 Recommendation: Buy

Review: Coronary Episode 1

Self-esteem is an enigma that has taken over the world and has everyone second guessing themselves. It has infiltrated mass media, as everywhere you look, there is some product professing to make you look better. The supplement industry is a by product of this obsession, as everything they market, is supposed to make you feel and yield desired results. It has people joining CrossFit, yoga, and bicycling classes worldwide, for a better version of themselves.

This obsession also has also lead to people doing drastic things to make themselves look and feel better, some even causing great harm to themselves, leading at times, to death. It makes you wonder with some of the dangerous consequences including psychological, why isn’t there more scrutiny on these companies profiting from this spotlight on flaws. Comics have looked at this industry before in comics like Beauty from Image, but other than that comic, none has delved into how any of this could be illegal? In Ryan Burke, Joel Saavedra, and Damian Penalba’s masterfully told Coronary, they get into how big of a business this industry is, and whenever something makes as much as it does, how it attracts all types, on both sides of the law.

In the opening pages, we meet a smooth operator by the name of Justin, who starts a casual conversation, with a young lady, where he starts up an interesting conversation. It is not until he catches his train, the reader realizes that the young lady, just so happens to be the target audience for his miracle pills. We also find out he has the local police considering his affairs and some criminal elements in to looking to end him. By issue’s end. A key betrayal by Justin may mean doom for him.

Overall, a persuasive denunciation against the “self-esteem” machine, and how it affects millions of people. The story by Burke feels like a cross between crime noir whodunit and a corporate espionage thriller. The art By Saavedra and Penalba is gorgeous and has a sophisticated nod to 80s aesthetics. Altogether, a sleek and smart story that will have the reader wanting to see what happens next.

Story: Ryan Burke Art: Joel Saavedra and Damian Penalba
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy