Review: DarkCat #1: Return of Favors

Darkcat #1: Return of Favors

There are very few times in life when you get to make amends. Most of the time when one makes a mistake we hope to never make it again. If you’re smart, you look to learn from the mistake you made. There’s always a lesson in failing. It’s rare for one to be able to have a do-over. Those chances are very rare making these instances more than what you need.

Avengers: Endgame has shown us you can make amends but not everything can be fixed. The casualties the movie sustained was more than impactful. It changed how our heroes fought against evil making the next chapter in this world even grimmer.

What happens when you find out someone else’s misfortune was because of you? In the prequel, DarkCat: Return Of Favors #1, we find one hero coming to grips with past sins.

We are taken to Argentina, where we meet DarkCat, a superhero, whose scuffle with a police officer Agent Snaider leaves him with many regrets. He convinced the police officer to let him go costing him to get demoted. DarkCat decides to do something about it by digging up dirt on the very man who can change Snaider’s life, Commissioner Gutierrez. Before he could leave with evidence he’s accosted by the private security of the police commissioner. From there, it’s a race to expose a criminal network before it’s too late.

Overall, an excellent story that sets the stage for an epic world and an immense array of characters. The story by Francisco Zamora is action-packed, fun and intense. The art by the creative team is gorgeous and electric. Altogether, a comics universe comics readers all over the world can get into.

Story: Francisco Zamora
Art: Dario Brabo
and Roger Goldstain
Editors: Jonh Curcio
and Luis Luigiman Sanchez
Story: 10 Art: 9.4 Overall: 9.6 Recommendation: Buy

One comment

  • I just love it! If you´re looking something new, something else, this is it. I really enjoy every issue from UMC and Darkcat is my favourite character of all. Greetings from Argentina