Review: X-Men The Age of Apocalypse: Termination

It’s Wednesday which means it’s new comic book day with new releases hitting shelves, both physical and digital, all across the world. This week we’ve got the Age of Apocalypse!

X-Men The Age of Apocalypse: Termination collects X-Force (2010) #19.1, Age of Apocalypse (2012) #1-14, X-Treme X-Men (2012) #12-13, X-Termination #1-2, Astonishing X-Men (2004) #60-61 and some segments from Point One #1 by Rick Remender, David Lapham, Greg Pak, Marjorie M. Liu, Billy Tan, Roberto De La Torre, Davide Gianfelice, Renato Arlem, Andre Araujo, David Lopez, and Mike Deodato.

Get your copy in comic shops today and bookstores on December 12. To find a comic shop near you, visit or call 1-888-comicbook or digitally and online with the links below.

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Marvel provided Graphic Policy with FREE copies for review
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