Review: Justice League #1

JUSTL_Cv1_dsThe oceans rise. The earth quakes. And an ancient power rises to reclaim not just the world, but the universe itself—and not even the combined might of the Justice League can stop it. An all-new era begins.

The Justice League should feel epic, and while cities crumble and every member is challenged to deal with a world falling apart, something doesn’t quite work here. There’s a lot of set up, but it just doesn’t click enough to get me want to be pumped about what’s to come.

Write Bryan Hitch dives right into the disaster story without much else and that could be what fails in this comic. The Justice League is entertaining due to its members, but especially because of how those members interact. And that’s a minimum here.

There’s two new members to integrate. There’s a “new” Superman that’s not totally trusted. But those interesting aspects are kept to a minimum as the discussion between members is mostly relegated to being done over headsets. This is a Justice League without much personality.

Artist Tony S. Daniel works with what he has and shows off the disaster porn in all its glory. It looks good, I’ll give this comic that. But, even then, there’s been better. Much like the writing, the art doesn’t stand out as anything special. It too lacks its own personality.

Underwhelming is the best way to describe this first issue. It goes through the motions but lacks anything that makes it stand out so far. It just is and this first issue falls short of making the case that the Justice League should be DC Comics top-tier superhero team.

Story: Bryan Hitch Art: Tony S. Daniel
Story: 6 Art: 7 Overall: 6 Recommendation: Pass

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review