TV Review: Doctor Who S8E1 Deep Breath

doctor who capaldiAfter months of waiting the new season of Doctor Who debuted tonight, featuring the new Doctor Peter Capaldi taking center stage. When the doctor arrives in Victorian London he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions.

This first episode has a few goals:

  • Introduce fans us to Capaldi’s Doctor
  • Introduce the Doctor and regeneration to new fans
  • Have fans accept the change, and where the series will go

The episode, and many of the events within are as much discussions between characters as it is between the writers and us the viewers. The beginning of the episode, and the end, focuses on the current companion Clara and her dealing with a new look Doctor. In fact much of the beginning of the episode is about looks. Comments between Clara and Madame Vastra, Strax and Clara, there’s much said about looks and appearances. This also serves the role to discuss regenerations to the audience, and it does enough that those who are new might understand what’s going on.

And all of that brings us to Capaldi and his Doctor. Out of everything, in this one episode, I love Capaldi and his depiction. This new Doctor is a bit mad scientist, reminding me of Doc Brown in Back to the Future. But he’s also one who’s weary, and worn, after years of battles. It’s clear this Doctor is feeling the weight of his actions, and going forward it looks like he’ll be attempting to make amends. If that’s the case, the choice of Capaldi to fill the role makes sense.

The episodes ending, and it’s interesting twist is as much a discussion between the Doctor and Clara as it is the writers, and us the audience. For the entire episode Clara is questioning this new Doctor, and in doing so is having us the audience doing the same. By asking Clara to give this new Doctor a chance, and go along for the ride, we’re being asked as well. And if this first episode is any indication, it’ll be a fun, entertaining, and interesting ride.

The episode has a lot to bring in new fans, and hopefully keep them around, but also a lot for long time fans, and nods and things that have happened, and what’s to come. The Tardis has a new look, the Doctor has a new look, the title sequence has a new look, Doctor Who has a fresh coat of paint, I’m willing to go along and see where it goes from here.

Overall Score: 8