Marketing Monday: Who is the Top Dog on Facebook?

It’s Monday which means a new Marketing Monday and checking out how the various Facebook fanpages have grown or shrunk over the past week.

Overall, the pages continued to grow, this week gaining 216,031 individuals total, a 0.81% increase. That’s back down to normal levels, compared to last week’s increase due to Wizard’s consolidating its fanpages into one page to rule them all.

There was some slight movement from the previous week. I’ve added arrows next to what has increased in ranking. Hopefully it makes sense.

page growth overall 6.16.14

Marvel is back on top with the usual suspects following up for the top five.

page growth new likes is back on top with their paid advertising with ComicBlitz holding on to second. Denver Comic Con moved up to third, as the convention as this past weekend.

page growth by percentage 6.16.14