Heroclix – Captain America

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Wizkids continues to show off upcoming figures for it’s Marvel Heroclix Captain America release.  Today’s figure is Captain America.

Heroclix Captain AmericaFrom the Wizkids website:

With decades of experience, Captain America rushes into battle with Running Shot as he launches himself into battle.  And if the costume wasn’t a dead giveaway, early-dial Perplex and Super Strength defintely set this Cap apart from his former partner!

Captain America’s armored costume affords some protection in the form of Toughness, and eventually gives way to Energy Shield/Deflection as he demonstrates a greater aptitude using his shield.

Mid-dial Ranged Combat Expert displays Captain America’s dangerous skill with both firearms and thrown weapons (honed by decades of experience fighting as the Winter Soldier), while late-dial  Charge and Close Combat Expert shows just how effective this Captain America is in melee!