Tag Archives: rachel n. ward

Kickstarter Spotlight: Earth Alliance

Cover for issue 2 YellowBy Raymond Fields

The year is 2190. The human race is thriving, but only after it looked to the stars in search of a replacement for earth’s depleted fossil fuels. Humans found an energy source, a mineral called elirium, in a neighboring star system, but humanity quickly discovered they were not alone in the need for elirium.

While mining the mineral, mankind made first contact with the Khutarri, a humanoid alien race who also depend on elirium to survive. Both species staked their claim on the planets that house the indispensable substance, which has kept them on the brink of intergalactic war for a decade.

Neither humans nor the Khutarri want the fight to extend to their home worlds, but each will do whatever it takes to avoid extinction. In the future, elirium is power. Elirium means survival.

Earth Alliance , which is published by Future Earth Entertainment is a Sci-Fi saga, that looks at war, politics and a tangible human element, family dynamics. Earth Alliance questions the need for war as a method to solve disputes from the very first line of dialogue in issue #1 . “ Why take by force what can be gained by diplomacy or friendship”. This is the essential question that serves as a backdrop of a story that is replete with political machinations and deceptions on both sides of the dispute.

Earth Alliance is written by myself, Raymond C Fields and is illustrated by Robert T Baumer (Soussherpa). Robert is a brilliant artist and has done work for none other than William Shatner, for Shatners Singularities Man O War. Rachel N Ward provides colors and strikes a cinematic tone. After completing a successful campaign to fund issue #1.

We have launched a kickstarter campaign to fund production of issue #2. All of the funds raised will go to pay the artist. We are offering some very cool rewards including a cameo in the book. Please check out the campaigns page and check out the cool rewards we are offering.

Earth Alliance Issue 2 Page 1




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