Tag Archives: grayhat

Review: Grayhat #3

There is something so magical and almost unreal about the story of David and Goliath. As the world has used this story as a metaphor for many unfathomable battles, where one side looks like they were facing unsurmountable odds. Sometimes life may seem this way for most of us, especially when sees “the system” working against them. This is particularly true of many battles in the various wars throughout history.

One of the foremost skirmishes which was immortalized in a certain movie, was the battle of Thermopylae. One side felt that though they were outnumbered, they still could win despite the impending doom that was awaiting. Needless to say, it is always inspiring when we see our hero come through the other end. In the third issue of Grayhat, we find our titular hero facing a foe mightier than anything he faced while learning of a new world.

We find Grayhat and Bea in the middle of a philosophical argument with a blue giant, one that could easily destroy them both, but entertains Grayhat’s notions instead.  As the reader and Grayhat both find out about why the giant looked for Bird in the first place and just how did Grayhat’s cohort offend the blue giant.  Out of nowhere, they are transported back to where Bird is and quite a surprise awaits them all, a floating ship, with a fully manned crew. By issue’s end, they are taken to a place called Lumeria, where they find the one they called Bellows who can help defeat the dragon.

Overall, an excellent issue which dips more in the esoteric mythology of the book than any other issue. The story by J.R.Beirens is funny and entertaining. The art by Beirens is simply gorgeous. Altogether, the best issue of the series thus far.

Story: J.R. Beirens Art: J.R. Beirens
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Review: Grayhat #2

“Vengeance Is Mine saith the Lord” is one of the most iconic lines in movie history. These words uttered by the effortlessly talented Samuel L. Jackson is of course not in the bible at all, but still showcases what type of man his character was within the story, a ruthless killer with no remorse. Rarely do these characters do anything because of a set of morals, but because they were hired to do a job. Characters like Denzel Washington’s Robert Moses in The Equalizer movies are the rare exception.

In those movies, Robert Moses, is a man of principle and one who uses his special set of skills for those who harm those close to him. In the first movie, he went after a mob who trafficked young girls.  In the second movie, he went after the people who killed his friend. These are the characters most people find boring, but really it is a bit nostalgic.  In the second issue of Grayhat, our mysterious rider is on his way to a major showdown.

We catch up with our heroes as they meander on their voyage, until the same people who mean to do Bird harm, find them, and tried to cause a ruckus. This disruption leaves Grayhat to go on a mostly solo expedition to destroy the monster that wants Bird dead, with unbeknownst to him, the help of Neda, who has secretly accompanied him. What he doesn’t know, is the monster is a shapeshifter, one that gives Grayhat, the fight of his life. By issue’s end, he survives to the end, defeats the monster but is still figuratively and metaphorically, not out of the woods yet.

Overall, the action-packed side adventure fans of the book did not know they needed. The story by J.R. Beirens is smart, fun and has enough action that proves that Bierens is a master storyteller. The art by J.R. Beirens evokes fear, delight and euphoria. Altogether, an excellent comic that gives reader another action packed adventure.

Story: J.R. Beirens Art: J.R.Beirens
Story:9 Art:9 Overall:9 Recommendation: Buy

Review: Grayhat #1

The stoic adventurer has been a mainstay throughout literature in one form or the other.  In the crime genre, the lone vigilante or hard-boiled detective, usually takes center stage and remains the immovable force in the story. These characters are all over Patricia Cornwell’s books as well as Michael Connelly’s, as these characters are the readers eyes and ears into these worlds. The primary genre that these characters usually thrive in, are westerns.

I remember when I watched Lonesome Dove for the first time and immediately fell in love with the genre. After that, I read every book Louis Lamour had put out to that point, as each story took the reader back in time to when every man was for himself. As a fan of multiple genres, always wanted to see how fantasy would mix westerns? In Jason Beirens’ Grayhat, we get a mix of these genres as we follow one man on his way home across the wild.

The book opens up on a mouse who just found food in the desert and must divert death at every step and is saved by a buffalo, as we find out that buffalo’ name is Bea ad the mouse name is Neda and Bea’s human keeper, Grayhat. As they cross this vast wilderness, they are not alone, a Bird is tracking their whereabouts and only time will tell if they are friend or foe. Eventually the Bird confronts Grayhat, sensing he will do harm, stops him in his tracks and engages in a faceoff between the two.

Overall, it’s an amazing story that blends genres so deftly that one has to be reminded that these story elements never really play in the same sandbox. The story by Beirens is eerie, smart funny and enjoyable. The art by Beirens is gorgeous. Altogether, an excellent debut issue that pushes the very idea of genre and puts emphasis back on what matters most, a well told story.

Story: J.R. Beirens Art: J.R. Beirens
Story: 9.7 Art: 9.8 Overall: 9.8 Recommendation: Buy