The Devil That Wears My Face #5 builds the tension leading into the finale

The Devil That Wears My Face #5

Left hovering at death’s door after a brutal confrontation, Father Vieri finds himself trapped in a hell of his own making. With the demonic Legion still in possession of his body, will an unexpectedly familiar face be Vieri’s salvation, or his ultimate demise? Meanwhile, Vieri’s attendant Maria stalks Legion through Rome, aiming to expose the Devil’s infiltration of the Church at any cost. But even if she can convince Cardinal Pentecost of the truth, Legion’s influence has grown exponentially…and when his final endgame stands revealed, not even the Vatican will be able to stop him. The Devil That Wears My Face #5 is a solid issue building up to the next issue’s finale.

Written by David Pepose, The Devil That Wears My Face #5 just soaks in the over the top nature of its concept. It soaks in the cheese in all the right ways delivering an issue that you can feel the over the top delivery of every scene. Described as Face/Off meets The Exorcist, the comic has the delivery of Nicholas Cage in Face/Off, just glee in everything.

Legion has been leaving destruction behind him and suspicions have been raised by some over his behavior. But, much like in Face/Off, those concerns are too late as Legion’s tendrils have sunk further into the Vatican. It’s so much fun in how excessive it is and clearly how much fun the creative team is having with the comic. This is popcorn horror you sit back and enjoy the insanity of it all.

Part of that fun is Alex Cormack‘s art which has Legion looking like Cage at his most deranged at times. Cormack also dips into horror without crossing a line to distract. Floating eyes have been an image subtly used throughout the series that emphasizes Legion’s demonic nature. It doesn’t overpower even with dozens of them on a page or panel. Justin Birch‘s lettering enhances everything as well emphasizing Legion’s nature, adding a cherry on top of everything.

Just like the movies it mashes up, The Devil That Wears My Face #5 is a comic you just sit back and enjoy. It has a nature about it that’s hard to not find fun in. Add in Nic Cage’s voice and imagine his performance as you read Legion’s dialogue and it all creates an experience that you want to see come to the screen big or small. It’s concept might seem a bit silly but this team has pulled it off to make this a must read.

Story: David Pepose Art: Alex Cormack
Color: Alex Cormack Letterer: Justin Birch
Story: 8.25 Art: 8.25 Overall: 8.25 Recommendation: Buy

Mad Cave Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus Comics