Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is a hell of a new start

Ultimate Spider-Man #1

After the events of Ultimate Invasion, the world needs a hero…who will rise up to take on that responsibility? Ultimate Spider-Man #1 delivers a new take on Spider-Man with a new direction and origin building off of the events of the new Ultimate Universe.

Written by Jonathan Hickman, Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is the first ongoing series for the new Ultimate Universe. It has the difficult task of continuing to build this new world while also delivering a new take on a classic character. For those that haven’t been following, the Maker traveled to the Ultimate Universe and stopped the events that created various heroes. He then created a cabal to carve up and rule over the world with their own little fiefdoms and him at the top. But the Maker was toppled and those that remained in charged wanted revenge, so used a laser to level part of Manhattan and “kill” Tony Stark, while framing Stark for the attack. So, Peter Parker never became Spider-Man. There’s a group that runs the world. And Tony Stark is a terrorist. You’re caught up.

So, Ultimate Spider-Man #1 shows us what Peter has been up to in this new world. He’s married, with two kids, and works as a reporter at the Daily Bugle. His life has changed and is different in this new direction, one that’s full of surprises and really good. There’s so much packed in and delivered in a way that’ll excited long time fans and create new ones.

But what’s most impressive about Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is that he delivers a hero that feels right for his age. Peter’s life is great but there’s something missing. Things haven’t gone completely as he envisioned. But, he doesn’t want to shake things up, he’s risk adverse. He loves his wife, his kids, so much of his life. It’s something that many of that age can relate to and should resonate well. How does an older individual find his way as a superhero?

The art by Marco Checchetto is top notch. With color by Matthew Wilson and lettering by Cory Petit, the comic looks sharp. Peter looks about right for his age, same with MJ, everyone looks as they should and “age appropriate.” There’s also a charge to the comic that evokes great films like Broadcast News and Network, mixed with drama that you can feel ooze off the page. And that last panel, while familiar, still nails it.

Ultimate Spider-Man #1 does something the previous Ultimate Spider-Man didn’t quite do for me, it feels unique. It stands out with its own voice, a different take on a classic character, and delivers some emotion that pulls you in and makes you care about the characters. Overall, a fantastic start to the Ultimate Universe.

Story: Jonathan Hickman Art: Marco Checchetto
Color: Matthew Wilson Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle