Action Comics #1054 shows the heart of Superman

Action Comics #1054

As Superman and Natasha Irons race to save Steel from the newly transformed Metallo, the Super-Twins are lost–and alone–against the nightmarish threat of the Necrohive! How will Lois and the House of El find them? There’s something rather quaint and relaxing about Action Comics #1054. While the comic is full of action, it also is very positive getting to the heart of what makes Superman super.

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Action Comics #1054 has the Necrohive and Metallo causing terror and the people of Gotham not quite sure as to what to do. Some of the sentiment has turned against Superman and his family, a play off of the b xenophobic as well as general distrust of people doing actual good in our real world.

Metallo, much like today’s zombie online sheep, is being manipulated by someone else, driving the chatter against Superman no matter how clear he is in the right. And Johnson has Superman confronting Metallo in a solid fight that is full of eye-popping visuals and excitement. But, most importantly, Johnson has Superman stay true to himself. In spite of Metallo’s negativity and being convinced Superman will murder him, Superman reaches out his hand to help his foe. No matter how beat down he has been and the destruction Metallo has wrought, Superman remains true to himself in even helping his enemy. He’s the ultimate good doer. There’s an interesting reflection on the vitriol thrown at so many online and their willingness to turn the other cheek and attempt to still do good. Superman remains his positive self.

The art by Mazy Raynor, with color by Matt Herms, and lettering by Dave Sharpe looks great. There’s something about this series so far that has remained steady delivering a colorful, cheery look, no matter how brutal fights might get or how down moments might be. The look has matched the attitude of the comic. There’s some great visuals and the fight between Superman and Metallo looks solid.

Dan Jurgens continues to write and draw “Home Again” taking place some time ago in a “lost tale.” Jurgens is joined by Norm Rapmund with color by Elizabeth Breitweiser, and lettering by Rob Leigh. The story involves an alien princess trying to find Superman and instead finding Jon. It’s been entertaining though this chapter feels a bit predictable towards the end.

A new story also begins in “Steel Forged” which focuses on John Henry Irons. Written by Dorado Quick with art by Yasmín Flores Montañez, color by Brad Anderson, and lettering by Dave Sharpe the comic is a good one introducing John and beginning to set him apart from Superman. It adds a little depth to what I remember of his introduction way back in the “Reign of the Supermen” storyline. Where it goes should be interesting and feels like a nice way to spotlight more of the Super family.

Overall, there’s something rather nice in Action Comics #1054. The comic doesn’t have the doom and gloom of so much of what has been put out there and instead delivers the uplifting tale you’d hope from Superman. It has the action without the dark cloud hanging over everything. It’s been a while since I’ve really been into Superman and DC is delivering a monthly dose of positivity that’ll keep me coming back for more.

Story: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens, Dorado Quick
Art: Mazy Raynor, Dan Jurgens, Yasmín Flores Montañez
Color: Matt Herms, Elizabeth Breitweiser, Brad Anderson
Ink: Norm Rapmund Letterer: Dave Sharpe, Rob Leigh
Story: 8.25 Art: 8.4 Overall: 8.3 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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