Tag Archives: pat shand

Grimm Fairy Tales: Steampunk—A New Alternate Reality Two-Part Mini-Series From Zenescope Entertainment!

In an alternate Steam Punk reality, Robyn Hood, Alice Liddle, Cinderella, Van Helsing, Nathan Cross, and many other of the most popular Grimm Universe characters live in a stunning but dangerous world unlike any you’ve seen before in Grimm Fairy Tales Steampunk.

When a group of outlaws led by the infamous Robyn Locksley pulls off a major heist, her and her crew are hunted down by Shang, the local Sheriff, a mysterious assassin, and an extremely dangerous gangster who runs the town named Snow White.

Writer Pat Shand is joined by artist Annapaolo Martello and colorist Robert Bevard on interiors to bring this amazing new reality to life; with cover appearances by Sean Chen, Richard Ortiz, Mike Krome, and Renato Rei.

Local comic shops are ordering Steampunk until January 4, 2016, so those interested in reserving a copy should contact their local retailer with the following Diamond Order codes: NOV151806, NOV151807, NOV151808, or NOV151809.

Van Helsing vs. Dracula In-store Promotion

Van Helsing vs. Dracula 2On August 19th, Zenescope Entertainment launches a brand new release featuring fan-favorite character, Liesel Van Helsing. Van Helsing is a brilliant inventor and expert Vampire killer, two skills she picked up from her legendary father, Abraham Van Helsing. In this five issue miniseries Liesel Van Helsing continues to pursue her most elusive target and the monster responsible for her father’s death: Dracula.

Zenescope will be supporting retailers around the country on Wednesday, August 19th with several in-store signings, giveaways, and exclusive merchandise raffles. Zenescope has already partnered with retailers for events surrounding two of its other new series, Coven and Aliens vs. Zombies. This will be the publisher’s third such launch event of the summer.

Zenescope Van Helsing vs. Dracula launch events will be occurring at the following list of stores:

All Things Fun, West Berlin, NJ
New Dimension Comics – Pittsburgh Mills – Tarentum, PA
Uncanny Comics, North Wales PA
Yesteryear Comics, San Diego, CA (*Series Writer Pat Shand appearing)
New Dimension Comics – Century III – West Mifflin, PA
Cosmic Comics, Las Vegas, NV (*Series Creators Joe Brusha & Ralph Tedesco appearing)
Uncanny Comics, Plymouth Meeting PA
Graham Crackers Comics, Chicago, IL

Van Helsing vs. Dracula Creative Team includes:
Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco & Pat Shand (Story)
Pat Shand (writer)
Michele Bandini (artwork)
Walter Pereyra (colorist)

Review: Robyn Hood #7

RH_Ongoing_06 Cover DigitalFans of Zenescope‘s Grimm Fairy Tales series might have been a bit surprised when Robyn Hood was chosen as one of the first characters for her own ongoing series.  They equally might not have been so surprised when the series’ debut was less than stellar.  In a comic world with both Green Arrow and Hawkeye being quite popular, how could another series focusing on a superhero archer succeed, especially one that is from a smaller publisher.  Slowly though, the series has managed to find itself, culminating in this latest issue which is the best of the series so far, even though admittedly there is still some way to go.

This issue follows once again Robyn and Marian as they rent out their somewhat unique skills to help a woman find her boyfriend who has seemingly joined a cult.  Although this remains the focus of this issue, it also splits into two separate segments.  In one Robyn hunts down the cult, but the other focuses more on Marian and her struggle to fit into life on Earth and not in Myst.  At first the idea of yet another lesbian witch seemed a bit stale in terms of the inspiration for this series, which at its heart could be described as a female Green Arrow plus Willow from the Buffyverse.  Instead there is something a bit more to this particular story line as Marian summons the courage to ask a girl out on a date, and then as the two get to know each other, that she opens up about how her life used to be.  Although this focuses on her homosexuality, the theme is equally strong to match a lot of other problems where people feel ostracized from their communities because of their identities.  While this acts as a nice interlude, it is paced well with the impending danger to Robyn as she finds and infiltrates the cult, just in time for what looks like pretty mean battle.

The end result is still not great, but it is nice to see this series moving in the right direction.  As opposed to some other nascent series such as this one, they start off strong and then lose their momentum.  This on the other hand seems to be building as it grows, and is relying on both stronger characters and better story lines.  It started as an unconventional choice for a series, but slowly is becoming its own entity and not relying on the bigger universe for its own thrills.

Story: Pat Shand  Art: Roberta Ingranata
Story: 7.7  Art: 7.7 Overall: 7.7 Recommendation: Read

Zenescope provided Graphic Policy with a free copy for review.

Preview: Robyn Hood #7

Robyn Hood Ongoing #7 – Window to the Soul

Written by Pat Shand
Art by Roberta Ingranata
Colors by Slamet Mujiono
Letters by Jim Campbell
Edited by Pat Shand
Production & Design by Christoper Cote and Joi Dariel
Release Date: 2/18/15

Story so far…

One year ago, Robyn Locksley was brought to Myst, a realm of swords and sorcery, to save the city of Nottingham from a great evil. Lives were lost and hearts were broken but the war is finally over. Joined by Marian Quin – a witch who has, up until now, only known the ways of Myst. Robyn returns home to New York, ready to begin a new chapter in her life… This is the story of Robyn Hood.

Previously in Robyn Hood…

Avella, the powerful dark sorceress who trained Marian, has been both ally and foe to Robyn. However, when Marian discovers that Avella is either sick or dying, the true cause of Marian’s weakened magic comes to light. As Robyn begins her search for a solution, the mysterious Cabal watches them from the shadows…

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Preview: Charmed Season 10 #5

Charmed Season 10 #5

Written by Pat Shand
Art by Elisa Feliz
Colors by Valentina Cuomo
Letters by Christy Sawyer
Edited by Paul Ruditis
Cover Art by David Seidman
Release Date: 2/18/15

Together, the Halliwell sisters have access to the greatest source of pure magic that the world has known: The Power of Three. But now that their eldest sister has been resurrected, a strange magic threatens to tear them apart.

After being hunted by Gaxageal, the Charmed Ones have again triumphed over evil. However, another threat lurks in the darkness as a demon named Valen attacks with the ancient Athame, a weapon that can destroy souls. As they fight the demon off, Cole Turner is stabbed by the deadly blade.

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Preview: Grimm Fairy Tales: Arcane Acre Volume 1

Grimm Fairy Tales: Arcane Acre Volume 1 (GFT 101 – GFT 106)

Written by Pat Shand
Art by Andrea Meloni
Colors by Ivan Nunes

Collects issues #101 – 106. After rebalancing the universe, Sela reunites with her estranged daughter, Skye. Teamed with Belinda and their mentor, Shang, they set out to help highborn teens hone their unique abilities with the hope that one day they too will fight against the evil forces that threaten Earth.



Preview: Wonderland #32

Wonderland #32: The Forest of Grinning Teeth

Written by Erica J Heflin
Art by Vincenzo Riccardi
Colrs by Ben Sawyer
Letters by Christy Sawyer
Edited by Pat Shand
Price #3.99
Release Date: 2/11/15

Callie Liddle is the White Queen. Now she cares for the realm that once existed to torment her family.  With the White Rabbit and a newly reformed Cheshire Cat by her side, she seeks to transform the tainted realm back to its original glory…but it will not be an easy task.


The Dark Cheshire was once a ruthless killer, corrupted by the madness of the Wonderland.  But now, under the rule of the White Queen, he attempts to atone for his past evil actions.  When judgment approaches, all Cheshires must answer the call of their kind.

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Preview: Grimm Fairy Tales #107

Grimm Fairy Tales #107 – LAUNCH POINT

Written by Pat Shand
Art by Andrea Meloni
Colors by Erick Arciniega
Letters by Ghost Glyph Studios
Edited by Nicole Glade
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 2/4/15

Sela’s duties one again take her away from Arcane Acre when former HiboCorp agent, Jessica Ciampo, approaches her with a dangerous task.  Back at the school, a spirit appears to Ali with a message for Hailey.  A new evil rears its head at Arcane Acre and before sun falls, it will strike out against the students.


Review: Robyn Hood #4

robyn cov 004It seems to be all too often that in the build up to a series, that it will be marketed as “a great jumping on point.”  That is the case here with Robyn Hood, and the slogan actually works, only that what is being jumped onto still feels like a work in progress.  As Robyn tries to settle into a regular life, she is confronted out-of-nowhere by Britney, also known as Red Riding Hood in the Grimm Fairy Tales universe, and the two head out to battle a cult of vampires who have decided that it is that specific night that they will take to the streets.

While the story is a bit mundane, it does live up to being called a good jumping on point.  As the two heroines head out into the city they have already been established in who they are and what they have been doing and who they know.  Due to the ambiguous nature of being roommates with a lesbian witch, Britney even asks if Robyn and Marian are a couple.  In all the catching up with the characters is handled well, but the story doesn’t really match up to it.  As they end up in the battle with the vampires, things play out somewhat routinely and there are little real surprises here.

rob cov 004 aThe end result is not entirely bad, it avoids some of the overly convoluted stories of the main series which try to tie in differing plot points from fairy tales, literature, legend and mythology.  Instead this issue focuses on a slice of this universe and that helps to make it easier to enjoy, by keeping its attention where it needs to be.   The series also uses Britney Waters, who is one of the most underused characters in the Grimm Fairy Tales universe (and really deserving of her own ongoing if Robyn has one) and it employs her here not just as backup but as an equal which does her character justice.  At the same time, comic fans, and especially those outside of regular Grimm Fairy Tales readers will probably find little going on here that they haven’t seen or read before.  The characters have a decent depth, but nothing new, and the plot isn’t particularly fresh either.  This is a fine attempt to get some new fans into the Grimm Fairy Tales stories, but still a little short of the mark despite using two of its more approachable characters.

Story: Pat Shand Art: Tony Brescini
Story: 6.7 Art: 7.0 Overall: 6.7 Recommendation: Pass

Review: Charmed Season 10 #1

charmed_season_10_#1_coverThe characters of the long-running series Charmed first came to Zenescope in 2011 in what was kind of a surprise move. It is not that the characters were not endearing. The show managed to last for eight seasons, and despite not being a fan of the concept nor being really in the targeted demographic, I still ended up seeing one or two episodes here and there.  What was strange at Zenescope was that the characters were brought back at all.  Their series left them at a place of complete resolution and while the characters were well-liked by many it was not as though there were heavy demands for their return. The first Zenescope Charmed series was ongoing for twenty-four issues before it met its second demise.

Zenescope still held the rights though and presumably still had an interest in pursuing the stories. In the meantime a small but seemingly significant change occurred in comics, specifically those based on television shows. The trend first started in the Buffyverse where instead of one-shots or short story arcs, that the series were lumped together into seasons. Television seasons generally have a specific format, with individual episodes where self-contained stories take place, but also in which there are sub-plots which allow the stories to progress leading to a climax for the specific season at its end. As a new format for comic series elsewhere, it seemed as though Zenescope thought it might try the same with Charmed. The first Zenescope series was relabeled Season 9, even though it didn’t really satisfy the format of a television series, and then Season 10 was launched.

It would seem as though that the rebranding failed. After reading issue #1, there is very little to draw a new reader in, and for fans of the series, aside from the presence of the characters, there is very little of the same dynamic going on.  While I get at what the writers are going for with the big idea behind Season 10, it is not at all engaging, at least not from this first issue, as the Halliwell girls join together to battle a demon with changing powers, told over a sloppily connected span of months. In the meantime other demons are behind the scenes pulling strings. The end result is not so good, but really I am not sure if it should be expected to be anything more. This is a franchise well past its expiry date, and it might be better for Zenescope to give up on this while they are ahead.

Story: Pat Shand Art: Elisa Feliz
Story: 5.0 Art: 6.5 Overall:  5.0 Recommendation: Pass

Zenescope Entertainment provided Graphic Policy with a free copy

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