Tag Archives: comic book writer

Review: Convergence Supergirl Matrix #2

consup002There may be no comic book writer who needs to not only be in his exact element of genre, but also to have the exact right characters to make his stories happen as Keith Giffen.  Giffen is perhaps best known for his work in the late 1980s and early 1990s when his humor infused comic book writing acted as a counterpoint to the super-serious and dark approaches used for other heroes.  The problem with Giffen then as now was that he needed the right characters to work with in order to make his sometimes serious and sometimes comedic stories work.  For instance, when writing Justice League he used Booster Gold and the Blue Beetle as main characters to focus the comedy around through some odd hijinks.  The problem was that the pair did not really work well together most of the time instead resulting in some awkward situations.  The same could be said for the first issue of this two-parter where Gifffen tried to play the humor of Lady Quark and Lord Volt against one another.  For the most part this failed and the first issue did not bode well for the second issue.

That is until the arrival of the Ambush Bug.  Put together with the titular hero in this story, the two play off each other well in this story.  There are still some groan-worthy moments, but mostly the action and banter keeps itself going pretty well throughout this issue.  And while other parts of Convergence have introduced the Extremists who are rip-offs of Marvel characters, this has perhaps the strangest pseudo-appearance of another character, with Convergence’s version of Spider-Man showing up.

This issue ends up being what is perhaps one of the better indicators of the impact of Convergence.  While this follows along with the overall story line, it doesn’t dwell on it, and instead focuses on the fun dynamic between Supergirl and Ambush Bug.  It doesn’t always work, but it works a lot better than the plot has so far in most of the Convergence tie-ins as well as the overall story.  This is maybe a forgettable entry into a sub-par crossover, but it is also one of the more entertaining thus far, even if the story is far surpassed by the interaction of the characters.

Story:  Keith Giffen Art:  Timothy Green II  
Story: 7.7 Art:  7.7 Overall: 7.7  Recommendation:  Read