Tag Archives: chriara bonacini

Review: Lizard Men #1

Many movies over the years have taken swipes at people in power, either in dramas or comedies.  They are even more ridiculous, when they’re comedies, as they rarely pull no punches. Who can forget Jack Nicholson’s superb performance as President Jack Dale in Mars Attacks. Then there is Kevin James portrayal as both a relatable but strong president in Pixels.

There is Kevin Kline’s excellent work as doppelganger to an actual president alongside Sigourney Weaver in Dave. Then there is my favorite movie, which draw some real-life parallels to some existing oligarchies, Moon Over Parador, starring Richard Dreyfuss and immortal Raul Julia, where Dreyfuss occupies a similar doppelganger situation but is humorously controlled by Julia’s iron-fisted chief of staff. The line between reality and these films, are becoming ever increasingly slimmer, as the current political climate looks more like a schoolyard.  This is why the debut issue of Lizard Men, was almost too real to read, as certain reactions of the protagonist reminded so much of a certain orange colored glutton.

We are introduced to Dylan Zamani, a washed up former rock star, who seems to be always on the right side of luck.   As he becomes the Prime Minster of Great Britain, a race he could not believe that he would have won. As he takes office, he soon realizes that many of things that comes with the new job, are not what they seem. By the end of the issue, the power he thought came with the job, comes from somewhere more insidious.

Overall, a excellent first installment which combines, melodrama, with comedy and science fiction, into something highly enjoyable. The story by Steven Horry is hilarious and surreal. The art by the Catia Fantini, Chiara Bonacini, and Ken Reynolds is visceral, smooth and gorgeous. Altogether, a good debut for a miniseries, which will make you wonder, can any of this be real?

Story: Steven Horry Art: Catia Fantini, Chiara Bonacini, Ken Reynolds
Story: 9.0 Art: 9 Overall: 9.2 Recommendation: Buy