Masterpiece #2 continues to be a masterpiece

Masterpiece #2

Emma is a brilliant young woman whose life was just turned upside down by a billionaire who says that her long lost parents were in fact very famous thieves. They took the world’s most famous billionaire for a cool billion… before they disappeared never to be seen or heard from again. And now he wants revenge, from her. Follow Emma as she enters into the world her parents left behind and come face to face with the PARAGON. Masterpiece #2 adds so much to the series while keeping up the witty, and humorous, banter.

The first issue set things up, but Masterpiece #2 really focuses in an the mission ahead for Emma and debates if she should even partake. Created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev, Masterpiece #2 continues the cool and fun of the first issue.

Bendis and Maleev put some of the spotlight on the Paragon while expanding Emma’s understanding of the world around her. Her parents are world class thieves but all she knows is their depiction through film, so part of the fun of Masterpiece #2 is the blending of fact and fiction. Another is the interactions of all of the characters, a clash of generations.

Alex Maleev’s art is as amazing as you’d expect. With color by Ian Herring and lettering by Joshua Reed, the comic makes even characters standing around and talking interesting. The body language and facial expressions tell so much of the story and what characters are thinking. There’s also fun with the fact and fiction, for instance the comparisons of the various crews and what’s needed.

Masterpiece #2 is just fantastic. It is packed with laughs, tension, that cool you want from a heist story, all with great art. This is another amazing hit from Bendis and Maleev and one that I already want to see on the big screen and continue any way possible.

Story: Brian Michael Bendis Art: Alex Maleev
Color: Ian Herring Letterer: Joshua Reed
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle