Animal Pound #1 delivers a new take on a classic tale

Animal Pound #1

When animals grow tired of being caged, killed, and sold off-it’s only a matter of time before they’ve had enough… When an uprising puts a pound in control of the animals, they quickly find themselves as comrades, united against everything that walks on two legs. But with this newfound power comes a sudden challenge: how best to lay the groundwork for this new democracy as they write their first constitution! Animal Pound #1 is a new spin on the classic Orwell story, Animal Farm.

Taking place in a pound, writer Tom King updates a classic story of a modern era. Animal Pound #1 is an interesting start hewing close to the classic allegory though its target of scorn is different. Orwell’s original tale focused on the Russian Revolution which was corrupted by Stalinism. King updates his take with a tale that seems to criticized the current wave of populism that is just a means to install fascism. The allegory is pretty clear with the series emphasizing the abuse by the ruling class and how throwing scraps to the people can foment revolution.

The first issue is the uprising of the animals against their human jailers. It lays out the oppression they face and abuse they’re made to endure. It’s hard not to see the echoes of modern society and also why these animals rise up. Abuse of workers by their ruling bosses. Abuse of citizens by elected officials detached from reality. King makes the case as to the why of the actions and all of it comes out justified. Much like the Russian revolution or populism as a whole, there’s a truth and justification of the anger and action against the status quo. It’s the corruption of that idealism that’s the point of the story and Animal Pound, like Animal Farm looks to act as a warning to that dark path. Animal Pound #1 lays the groundwork of what will likely be the eventual fall of it all.

The art by Peter Gross is interesting. With color by Tamra Bonvillain and lettering by Clayton Cowles, the animals look great. The art emphasizes the cage that these animals live within, a cold, heartless world of cages and depression. They’re given the minimum to survive and live and visually that’s emphasized. The animals themselves come off as sad connecting the readers to them and their actions. Their jailers are faceless and in uniform emphasizing the oppressor can be anybody. Every visual details feels like it’s thought out to emphasize the allegory.

Animal Pound #1 is the second series taking on Orwell’s classic on comic shelves right now. Both are solid in different ways and each take on a different spin and direction. King and Gross’ take looks to update things a bit warning us of the specter that currently overshadows so much of the world.

Story: Tom King Art: Peter Gross
Color: Tamra Bonvillain Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Story: 8.25 Art: 8.25 Overall: 8.25 Recommendation: Buy

BOOM! Studios provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle