G.O.D.S. #2 continues a middling experience

G.O.D.S. #2

The Centum normally has twenty-five Primes, now only three remain. College isn’t worth the time or the money. There’s a hidden book in the hidden library that hides a hidden door. Kubisk Core is from Georgia, like that matters. That word salad description? That really does sum up G.O.D.S. #2, a series that was pumped up with such hype but has delivered a ho-hum experience.

Pitched as a “redefinition of the Marvel Cosmology,” G.O.D.S. #2, like the first issue, feels like a story that both doesn’t fit the current Marvel Universe but also a Doctor Strange story with different characters. Written by Jonathan Hickman, G.O.D.S. #2 deals with the fallout of the debut issue with lots of discussion of recruiting new members, figuring out what happened, and the introduction of a new magical character. It’s all ok and if it was a creator-owned series with another publisher it might work better, but as is it weirdly just doesn’t feel like it fits the Marvel Universe. Like the first issue, the second feels like it’s a square being shoved into a circle hole.

There’s also the issue that while it acts like it adds this whole new experience and aspect to the Marvel world, it just feels like it’s a story meant for other magical Marvel characters. In fact, we get Doctor Strange, Clea, Wong, and Doctor Voodoo as part of the second issue taking what is pitched as this story of gods and their handlers/avatars and makes it feel like a low level magical threat Strange might otherwise deal with.

The art by Valerio Schiti is solid though. With color by Marte Gracia and lettering by Travis Lanham, the visuals feel much grander than the story itself. There’s so many interesting things shown but none of it feels expanded upon. It teases the grand story that hasn’t been delivered yet. But, it looks pretty and the characters are cool to look at.

G.O.D.S. #2 continues to show potential but never feels like it commits to its greater concepts. Everything feels rather pedestrian and like any other magical Marvel story. It’s been hyped up so much at this point, it’s hard to see it living up to expectations, the pitch, or hype.

Story: Jonathan Hickman Art: Valerio Schiti
Color: Marte Gracia Letterer: Travis Lanham
Story: 7.0 Art: 8.25 Overall: 7.0 Recommendation: Read

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle