Review: Quantum & Woody #7

QW2017_007_COVER-A_OLIVETTIWith Harbinger Wars 2 seizing America, Livewire has rendered the nation’s power grid useless in a last-ditch attempt to shield her psiot allies. The people of Washington D.C. need someone to save them – and so do Quantum and Woody! Now that the high-tech wristbands that keep their atoms stabilized have become nothing more than fashion accessories, the world’s worst superhero team is going where no one has gone before… Into the atomic realm!

Well last issue saw Quantum and Woody dissipate, or explode depending on how you look at it, into atoms as they failed to klang their bracelets together in time. One could be led to believe that would mean the two brothers had died… but then if that were the case you wouldn’t be reading this, would you? Besides, nobody really know what’d happen if they failed to klang – and so why not find out together?

Eliot Rahal (writer), Francis Portella (art), Andrew Dalhouse (colours) and Dave Sharpe (letters) deliver a comic that… look, without any unneeded hyperbole, Quantum & Woody #7 is just fun. It’s fun, it’s brilliantly written and it looks freaking gorgeous. There’s a brilliant Quantum-as-Superman subplot to the comic that has a deceptively powerful homage to the granddaddy of all superheroes, with the art giving off a very noble feeling whenever Quantum is on the page. Conversely, Woody seems less than super, but no less important to the story; his story is the driving force behind the book, and his struggles to find the missing piece in his life seem oh so familiar to most of us.

It would be fair to say that there are a lot of parallels within Woody’s story to the very real struggles we all face in our daily lives, culminating in a heartbreaking scene on a rooftop that is serene in the brutality of its truth. It would also be fair to say that the art bringing this multilayered script to life more than matches the quality of the writing as the creative team combine into a mean comic book machine that’s shooting grenades of awesomeness left, right and centre.

Yeah, I loved this book, and I am not being objective about that at all.

Despite this being the second issue of Rahal’s run on the book, it is entirely accessible for those readers who pick it up for the first time (though why you’d willingly skip #6 is beyond me – Rahal has written two freaking awesome comics in his run on Quantum & Woody thus far).  With all the high profile books coming out lately, Quantum & Woody #7 is likely to fly under the radar of many of you – and that’s a damn shame.

Pick this book up, pop your feet up and get settled in for an utterly fantastic read.

Story: Eliot Rahal Art: Francis Portella
Colours: Andrew Dalhouse Letters: Dave Sharpe
Story: 8.9 Art: 9.2 Overall: 9.1 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review