Review: X-Men: Gold #30

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for the ultimate union! After a lifetime of will-they-or-won’t-they, new boyfriends and ex-girlfriends, Kitty and Colossus are finally walking down the aisle together…

I remember the wedding of Cyclops and Jean Grey and how much of a big deal that was. There was big news articles and QVC even had segments dedicated (I admit, I bought an autographed copy from it). It created spin-off mini-series and adventures from there. There was a magical element about it. Whether it’s the times or not wanting to repeat everything, Marvel has given us the antithesis to the positive and a comic that’s predictable in many ways.

Written by Marc Guggenheim, X-Men: Gold #30 is a rather down of a comic telegraphing what’s to come with some truly cringe inducing dialogue (thought bubbles really). The issue isn’t too shocking, especially if you’ve been reading up to this point as we’ve seen doubt peppered throughout previous issues in the lead up. But, beyond the rather predictable first twist, it’s the writing that’s bigger issue of this comic. Colossus just spouts off Russian sayings as if to remind us, he’s Russian, a speech pattern we haven’t seen in some time. We’re reminded that Kitty is Jewish with the inclusion of a Rabbi, though disregard for other details of a “Jewish” wedding (and the extent could be the inclusion of a Rabbi). The end result is a soapy mess of a drama that has more in common with daytime soap operas than it does with comics.

It’s not all bad though. How Kitty rejects Peter is actually interesting and feels unique. It’s a nice touch that feels right and the part of the twist that works. The fact the two of them can talk and resolve things so quickly though is an example of what doesn’t work. While yes, it’s a comic and there’s a limited amount of time, to so quickly find resolution with a lack of real emotion is disappointing and just odd.

What X-Men: Gold #30 really lacks is the heart of it all. It feels stiff and done in a room to figure out how to get to the next steps, that being the spin-off series Mr. & Mrs. X. Even with who does get married, there’s just a lack of excitement and caring. It’s all rather eye rolling and in the end the issue and event would have been better served to ignore the fake out and instead just have the wedding that happened. Instead of spending time to set something up and not deliver, it could have been used to explore the relationships, both good and bad, within this family. Drama was added where it wasn’t needed.

The art by David Marquez and colorist Matthew Wilson is decent. While there’s some issues with Peter not looking quite like himself, there’s some great designs of the characters as they get dressed up for the occasion. There’s actually designs and looks I’d love to see in the real world. It looks good.

While the issue has its moments, there’s just an emotional void that’s present and a lack of connecting with emotions that ultimately sink the issue. It’s hard to read and not eye roll to the point of headache. While a marriage is fine, the drama this direction has brought was set up and then quickly deflated to the point of no pay off. We’ve seen an X wedding before and it actually was exciting and felt like an event, this feels like a cheap knock off of the original.

Story: Marc Guggenheim Art: David Marquez
Color: Matthew Wilson Lettering: VC’s Cory Petit
Story: 4.0 Art: 7.75 Overall: 4.0 Recommendation: Pass

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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