Puppet Master: Curtain Call #1 – The Beginning of the End in the Puppet Master Saga

Puppet Master: Curtain Call is the finale of Action Lab: Danger Zone‘s epic Puppet Master comic series! Everything from the first five volumes of the Puppet Master ongoing series comes to a head here! It’s the final showdown between the puppets of Andre Toulon versus the demon god Anapa and his evil puppets… with the guests of the Bodega Bay Inn caught in the middle!

Based on the Full Moon Entertainment movies, Puppet Master is about a band of killer puppets who must bend to their master’s will, even if it goes against the essence of the soul trapped in each of them. Anyone who enjoys killer dolls or slasher movies will be right at home in the Puppet Master universe.

Although this serves to wrap up the Puppet Master ongoing series, new fans can enjoy it as well. This book is a love letter to 90s horror with over-the-top action, bloody kills, and a crazy cast of characters!

The series is written by Shawn Gabborin with art by Daniel J. Logan, Yann Perrelet, and covers by Logan, Perrelet, Robert Hack, Kelly Williams, Andrew Magnum, and Gene Jimenez.

Puppet Master: Curtain Call #1 will be available in a comic book store near you on October 18.