Review: Faith And The Future Force #1

FFF_001_COVER-B_KANO“Faith “Zephyr” Herbert – former member of Unity, current Harbinger Renegade, and Los Angeles’ #1 superhero – is the universe’s last, best chance at survival! Centuries from today, a devious artificial intelligence has unleashed a blistering attack on the very foundations of time…one that is unwriting history from beginning to end! Now, with her options exhausted, Neela Sethi, Timewalker – the self-appointed protector of what is and will be – has returned to the 21st century to recruit Earth’s greatest champions of today and tomorrow to oppose this existential threat…and she needs Faith to lead them! But why Faith? And why now?”

I was oddly impressed with the first issue of Faith and the Future Force. Not because of the art, which is impressive in its own right. What struck me most of all is the way that Jody Houser is weaves an intuitive story about time travel and effortlessly explains how the Timewalker method works within the Valiant Universe without spending pages and pages dedicated to something that could easily lose readers. And by doing this, she also asks the time old question of whether you would alter history if you could, and answers it, in an almost subtle throwaway exchange midway through the comic.

After the last few issues of Faith failed to deliver on the promise shown earlier in the series, I’ll admit to approaching this issue with some trepidation. But with Jody Houser returning to the fresh and exciting feeling of those early issues, coupled with what feels like a genuine threat – something that we haven’t really seen in some time – there was no need for any hesitancy on my end; this is one of the most enjoyable comics starring Faith that I’ve read in some time.

Stephen Segovia and Barry Kitson are on art duties here, and neither they nor colourist Ulises Arreola disappoint – indeed my only complaint is the watermark on the review copy kept me from being able to really appreciate the vibrancy of their work. Especially around the time doors.

Ultimately, this issue has everything you want in a good comic; it makes you genuinely think while providing enough humour and action that you may not even notice yourself doing so.  I hoped I’d enjoy Faith And The Future Force #1, but I didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much as I did.

Story: Jody Houser Art: Stephen Segovia and Barry Kitson
Colours: Ulises Arreola Letters: Dave Sharpe
Story: 9 Art: 9.5 Overall: 9 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review