Review: Mystery Girls #2

Trine knows the answer to any question, except how she knows it. But that’s a mystery for later. The mystery for now concerns frozen mammoths in Siberia, and Trine, who never leaves London, wants to go see them herself. And close behind her is a killer who’s targeted Trine for reasons even she doesn’t know.

Strippers, hit-man, Woolly mammoths, and Russia, four words I never expected to type in a row. Yet all those things are present in Mystery Girl #2, oddly enough they are impressively connected by writer Paul Tobin. That easily manages to bolster the stories’ strangeness to say the least. Despite the strangeness there is still some humor present, which makes the story comedic at times.

If a picture is a worth a thousand words the art work by Alberto Alburquerque is a compliment to the story.  The art has a degree of realism, and showcases the changing locations as the story progresses. Even the various cities of Russia are well done, and defiantly solidifies the real-ness of the fictional world.

Story: Paul Tobin Art: Alberto Alburquerque
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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