Tag Archives: Atilio Rojo

Preview: Cyber Force #7

Cyber Force #7

(W) Bryan Hill, Matt Hawkins (A/CA) Atilio Rojo

Ripclaw and Stryker have put aside their differences… for now, but the Tech-Cartels have them both in their sights. Stryker and Ripclaw make a plan to free Columbia from their grip while Aphrodite and Velocity protect a brilliant doctor who’s wanted dead by the cartels… and has technological secrets of her own.

Preview: Cyber Force #5


(W) Bryan Hill, Matt Hawkins (A/CA) Atilio Rojo

NEW STORY ARC! With the world still reeling from the sudden blackout of all networked technology, Stryker, Aphrodite, and Velocity are sent to find a deadly bounty hunter that could help them bring order to the chaos… but this bounty hunter has a secret that might stop CYBER FORCE before it starts.

Preview: Cyber Force #4

Cyber Force #4

Writer: Bryan Hill & Matt Hawkins
Artist / Cover: Atilio Rojo
Letterer: Troy Peteri

Morgan Stryker doesn’t want his daughter fighting alongside him. He doesn’t trust the android named Aphrodite that has the power to kill him…but he’ll need them both if he’s to stand in the face of Killjoy and a soldier from the future…who wants to keep our future from ever taking place.

Preview: Cyber Force #3


Writer: Bryan Hill & Matt Hawkins
Artist / Cover: Atilio Rojo
Age Rating: M

Who is the mother of artificial intelligence? The reimagining of CYBER FORCE continues as the origins of the “Aphrodite Project” are revealed…along with the dark intentions of the group that helped create her.

Preview: Cyber Force (2018) #2

Cyber Force (2018) #2

Story: Bryan Hill & Matt Hawkins
Art / Cover: Atilio Rojo
Letter art: Troy Peteri
Editor: Elena Salcedo
Production: Carey Hall
Age Rating: M

Stryker must reconcile with what he’s become…and what’s been done to his daughter Carin. There’s little time for either of them, as the villain that threatens the world seeks to draft someone else to her cause: Killjoy.

Review: Cyberforce #1

In a modern world where humanity is defined by the technology it creates, a terrorist strikes at the heart of human progress. One of the few survivors of the attack is a man named Morgan Stryker. Mortally wounded, Stryker’s life is saved by his employers…but the price could be his humanity itself.

The classic series returns in a reimagining overseen by creator Marc Silvestri and with that I’ve been excited to see where it all goes. The concept of Cyberforce in a today’s world has a lot of potential. And I’ll admit I expected the first issue to be interesting as to how it might reflect that. Writers Matt Hawkins and Bryan Hill give us a glimpse of that potential with a focus on a addiction to technology and those who want to break us of that. And the Cyberforce team itself is the blending of technology and humanity. It’s a forced use of technology much like we experience every day.

There’s also the aspect of the terrorist attack and the person forced to seek revenge. That aspect of the story feels like a trope at this point and something we’ve seen so many times before by Hawkins and Hill give it enough emotional heft to make it feel original.

The art by Atilio Rojo is interesting and feels a lot like the styles we’ve seen on previous iterations of the series. But, there’s also a unique take on the familiar characters themselves with slight differences that you can tell this is Rojo’s unique take on them. There are issues with the art though. Stryker makes a comment about a third arm, with no third arm present. It’s an odd moment where the dialogue and art doesn’t sync up.

I really enjoyed previous volumes so there’s a bar for this debut issue and I’m happy to say, the first issue clears it. It nails what it needs and gives us a new origin story that takes us in some new fresh directions. If you’ve ever wanted to check out this “classic” series, this is a perfect issue to start with.

Story: Matt Hawkins, Bryan Hill Art: Atilio Rojo Lettering: Troy Peteri
Story: 7.75 Art: 7.5 Overall: 7.6 Recommendation: Read

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Preview: Cyberforce #1

Cyberforce #1

Story: Matt Hawkins, Bryan Hill
Art: Atilio Rojo
Cover A: Marc Silvestri
Cover B: Atilio Rojo
Lettering: Troy Peteri
Editor: Elena Salcedo
In Shops: Mar 28, 2018
SRP: $3.99

The classic series returns in a reimagining overseen by creator MARC SILVESTRI. In a modern world where humanity is defined by the technology it creates, a terrorist strikes at the heart of human progress. One of the few survivors of the attack is a man named Morgan Stryker. Mortally wounded, Stryker’s life is saved by his employers…but the price could be his humanity itself.

Samaritan, From Matt Hawkins and Atilio Rojo in May

Fan-favorite writer Matt Hawkins and artist Atilio Rojo team up for an all-new, action-packed thriller from Top Cow/Image Comics in Samaritan. The new series is set to launch this May.

In Samaritan, a woman with a vendetta decides she’s going to take down the largest military contractor in the world and has the means and a plan that just might work. How do you bankrupt one of the richest, most technologically advanced and successful companies in the world? You steal all their research and give it away to everyone. Can she survive long enough to pull it off with the entire US government trying to kill her?

Samaritan #1 (Diamond Code MAR170694) hits stores on Wednesday, May 24th. The final order cutoff deadline for comics retailers is Monday, May 1st.

Review: Eden’s Fall #1


Who are we kidding? Crossovers, by and large, always suck. The yearly JLA/JSA team-ups of days gone by may have been fun, but the early ’80s ushered in the era of the “mega-crossover” event with Marvel’s Secret Wars and DC’s Crisis On Infinite Earths, and while those two seminal series may have had their charms, pretty much everything that’s followed in their wake has been pure drivel. It’s well past time, in my own humble opinion, for the crossover to redeem itself.

Don’t count on it happening at the “Big Two” anytime too soon, though. Marvel’s allowing its entire line to be swallowed whole by Civil War II as we speak (mere months after doing the same with their re-tooled version of Secret Wars) and DC seems to be slowly building up to a “blockbuster” of their own that will feature their characters taking on the so-called “Watchmen Universe.” Count me as being decidedly unimpressed — and deathly uninterested — in any of that. So, if anybody’s gonna give us a crossover worth reading, it’ll have to be one of the indies.

Enter Top Cow Productions, who have a corporate “universe” of their own (published, as always, under the auspices of their partnership with Image Comics) centered around WitchbladeCyber Force, and other franchises, but are eschewing the obvious (perhaps too obvious?) possibilities there and are instead tying together three of the ostensibly “real-world”- set series from the mind of writer Matt Hawkins — PostalThink Tank, and The Tithe — for a mercifully brief three-part series titled Eden’s Fall that, at least if the first issue is any indication, promises to actually make good use of the characters and concepts from all three titles in order to tell a satisfying, self-contained story.


Hawkins is sharing the scripting duties on this one (which, for the record, I purchased, although an advance digital “copy” was also made available to Graphic Policy for review purposes) with frequent collaborator Bryan Edward Hill (who’s handling the writing chores on Postal solo these days — and doing a bang-up job of it), so characterization for all parties involved is as spot-on as you’d expect, and Atilio Rojo is on board to illustrate the proceedings in a no-frills, workmanlike fashion that serves the story quite well and is somewhat reminiscent of 1980s indie comics artwork (which I don’t mean as a “knock” in any way because I love that era). Toss in some competent if less-than-flashy color work from K. Michael Russell and what you have here is a book that both looks and reads quite well without being overtly stylish on any front, and I’ll take that any and every time.

Newbies to the “Hawkins-verse” needn’t worry, either — any backstory you need to know is recapped nicely on the opening “what has gone before—” page, and more detailed breakdowns of each individual series (as well as web links to sample issues of all three titles for free) are provided on the text pages at the back, so this is a very accessible “jumping-on point” for new readers.


Just what there is to jump on to, though, is something of an open question and makes me wonder what they’re hoping to gain by co-mingling these franchises in the first place. Postal — which has apparently been optioned for television by Showtime — is the only of the titles involved here that’s a going concern at the moment, with both Think Tank and The Tithe in sales-related limbo for the time being. Maybe the idea is to breathe some new life into these books and drum up enough interest to precipitate a revival of one or both of them, but a quick little three-parter seems a curious vehicle for such an endeavor. The computer “super-hacker” protagonist of Think Tank and the former FBI agents of The Tithe are both central to the proceedings here, with events in this story picking up more or less exactly where the last issue of The Tithe left off, though, so clearly they’re not playing “second-fiddle” to the Postal cast even though the story itself is set in that series’ “off the grid” haven for ex-cons of Eden, Wyoming. I guess rather than worrying about the business logistics behind this “event,” then, I might be better served to just relax and enjoy it for what it is.


Fortunately for us all, “what it is” happens to be pretty darn good. Hot on the trail of the duplicitous engineer of a series of “false flag” terrorist attacks designed to provoke a violent response against American Muslims, our aforementioned ex-G-men (and women) and their “Dark Web”-traversing buddy track him to Eden (which proves to be suspiciously easy for them to find), but other outside parties seem interested in the goings-on in the town that doesn’t exist for reasons as yet shrouded in mystery. Events move along at a nice clip, “screen time” is shared fairly equally among all parties, and a number of the more intriguing sub-plots from each of the respective series are “ported over” here in a way that won’t seem alienating to new readers. The plot construction in this issue is very solid, the mystery reasonably gripping, and the dialogue nicely expository without being overly so. Chances are pretty good, then, that even if you’re unfamiliar with any and/or all of these individual comics, you’ll find plenty to like here.

The “Hawkins-verse” has been one of the best-kept secrets in four-color funnybooks for a long time (even if we didn’t know it was an interconnected “universe” until a few months ago), and if Eden’s Fall maintains the standard of quality on display here throughout its brief run, odds are good that it’ll steer more people in the direction of Postal, at the very least (which is really hitting a nice creative stride right now) and perhaps even convince the powers-that-be that the other books deserve another arc or two, as well. That’d be a darn good thing on the whole for fans of intelligent, topical books that are relevant to — and resonant with — the world we actually live in.

Story: Bryan Edward Hill and Matt Hawkins Art: Atilio Rojo
Story: 8 Art: 7 Overall: 7.5 Recommendation: Buy

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