The Fog #1 is a nice return to the cult classic

The Fog #1

Forty years after the events of The Fog, The Fog #1 kicks off a supernatural horror story that reconnects several surviving characters and/or their descendants from John Carpenter‘s original story to a new series of paranormal events that plague Antonio Bay, a small fishing community turned ghost-hunting tourist destination.

Taking place in 2022, something far more malevolent from Antonio Bay’s dark past is roiling up from the depths of the sea. Writer Steve Ekstrom does a solid job in The Fog #1 making it accessible to fans of the original cult classic film while also allowing new readers to dive in and enjoy the spooky nature within.

I’ll admit, while I’ve seen a lot of the film, I’ve never sat down and watched the whole movie. I’ve seen enough to know the general detail of the film but not enough to know specifics. Even with a lack of knowledge, I found it easy to dive in and just enjoy the build up for the horror to come.

Ekstrom also does an excellent job in the details. 40 years have passed since the event of the film and this comic. Technology is updated and that changes the nature of some things. Much like recent Scream films, the change in technology does have an impact and Ekstrom addresses that in logical ways. But, it’s the build that really stands out. The characters are familiar in ways, ghost hunters/true crime buffs with connections to the town and events past.

Marco Fodera delivers a solid look to the comic. The overall style has a gloomy aspect to it, hinting at what’s to come but not making things too dour. The character designs as well look solid with each look giving you a good idea of their nature and personality. What’s also impressive is how Fodera makes everything at first rather benign and “quiet,” but as the comic progresses, you can feel the dark forces gathering.

The Fog #1 is the start of a nice continuation of a film that has grown in its cult status over the years. It feels like a fresh start but also has deep ties to Carpenter’s classic. A solid return to the beloved horror film.

Story: Steve Ekstrom Art: Marco Fodera
Story: 8.0 Art: 7.5 Overall: 7.75 Recommendation: Read

Graphic Policy was provided with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus Comics