Holy Roller #2 delivers a strike with its small town hero

Holy Roller #2

How bad must things get before we rise to face them? Levi Cohen spent his life believing the world was getting better, but he must now face the fact that he was wrong. Evil things thought long buried have taken root. And something must be done. Holy Roller #2 delivers the Nazi punching we need right now.

With a story by Rick Remender, Andy Samberg, and Joe Trohman, Holy Roller #2 is a fun and satisfying comic that like the debut just hits the right buttons and details. Levi has returned home and found out the assholes he knew as a kid have taken over his town and become antisemitic bigots. Through accident, he has also become a bit of a vigilante, having beaten the crap out of those bigots, so of course they now want revenge.

At its core, Holy Roller #2 is a story we’ve seen many times before. A person returns home after a long time away to find out a group of evil people have taken over. That person then goes to battle to uproot them and free their town. It’s a story that’s played out again and again and Holy Roller #2 has some fun with that by infusing a bit of superhero aspects to it all. Levi isn’t identified in video and in this second issue dons a slapped together costume as he’s further attacked.

But, beyond the satisfying violence, the team has a nice focus on Levi and his relationship with his father and faith. In the comic Levi states he didn’t care about that until the bigots attacked him. It’s something I myself have experienced myself. Outside forces bring to the front something I haven’t considered a priority. It adds a realistic and more grounded take on the character.

Part of the fun of the comic is the kinetic energy of it all. The art by Roland Boschi with color Moreno Dinisio and lettering by Rus Wooton brings it front and center. Levi has an “oh shit” aspect about his actions and the fight sequence feels unplanned, as it should be. The characters overall have a slightly exaggerated aspect to them that makes it all a bit more humorous. The art really brings out the laughs in what could otherwise be a rather dour and depressing story.

Holy Roller #2 is another fantastic issue. It delivers a satisfying punch to individuals it’s easy to hate and deserve to be punched. It also does it with a little bit of humor making it all a bit more fun. The series is delivering the hero we need right now.

Story: Rick Remender, Andy Samberg, Joe Trohman Art: Roland Boschi
Color: Moreno Dinisio Letterer: Rus Wooton
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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