Void Rivals #6 delivers a standard but fun escape and chase plot

Void Rivals #6

Premier Zalilak will stop at nothing to prevent Darak and Solila from escaping Zertonia! But what secret awaits at the center of the Sacred Ring? Void Rivals #6 has Darak and Solila on the run as they’re given a mission that teases where things are going.

Written by Robert Kirkman, Void Rivals #6 wraps up the first story arc with a bit of a whimper. As part of the story arc, it’s completely fine and a necessary issue. But, to close out the arc, it’s a bit of a letdown, feeling more like a tease you might find at the end of a cartoon episode than some excitement to really get readers pumped for the next issue.

But, as I said with the previous issue, it’s nice to see the series begin to stand on its own instead of relying on guest spots to keep readers coming back. We’re getting teases of a fractured society with rebels attempting to bring two sides together. It’s an echo of the Cybertronian war in some ways.

What’s more intriguing, and what stands out in the issue, is the scene with the Quintessons which teases something much bigger in this series connection to everything. There’s some potential there as well going forward.

Lorenzo De Felici‘s art is good as usual. With color by Patricio Delpeche and lettering by Rus Wooton, the visuals depict and cold and uncaring world. If this is what it’s like all over, it should be interesting. But, as presented we get buildings that are pretty bland evoking Brutalist architecture. There’s a minimalist aspect to it all and mixed with the color, it shows a society that’s regimented and militaristic. The art does a solid job of reflecting the world.

Void Rivals #6 feels a bit rushed in some ways. While it’s a fine chapter, there was an opportunity for Darak and Solila to explore the world a bit more and show it off to readers. We get a passing exploration of the greater world much like our two heroes, an on the run glimpse and tease. Overall, not a bad issue but one that doesn’t stand on its own.

Story: Robert Kirkman Art: Lorenzo De Felici
Color: Patricio Delpeche Letterer: Rus Wooton
Story: 7.5 Art: 8.15 Overall: 7.75 Recommendation: Read

Skybound provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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