This Doctor Who Mixed Megabundle features comics, roleplaying games, and audio dramas

The wonders of the Whoniverse are at your fingertips with the Doctor Who Mixed Megabundle 2023, a massive bundle of Doctor Who comic collections, tabletop role-playing games, and audio dramas! Take your gaming group on a trip to Gallifrey and beyond with the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game Rulebook and a TARDIS-full of adventures and supplements. Travel to the swinging 60s with two different incarnations of the Doctor in the comic collection Doctor Who: A Tale of Two Time Lords. Return to one of the most captivating settings from the TV show in the audio drama anthology Tales from New Earth. Get all this and more than 30 other Whovian treats, and help BBC Children in Need with your purchase!

The bundle features an $809 value and you can get all 36 items for just $18.

Doctor Who Mixed Megabundle