Star Wars: Visions #1 delivers a wordless tale that’s beautiful to look at

Star Wars: Visions #1

Centuries after the death of a Great Dark Sith Lord, a cult has grown worshipping this Sith Lord and the Dark Side. Ankok believes she is the successor to the Legacy of the Sith with her Dark Side Powers! But is she truly in tune with The Force? Or is she just exploiting the people in her village? Kako and Gel are about to come face-to-face with the truth… even if it kills them! Star Wars: Visions is Peach Momoko‘s vision and it’s an interesting one.

Star Wars: Visions is an interesting comic. Wordless, it relies on Peach Momoko‘s beautiful art to convey the story. At its cory, the story is easy to understand. There’s a cult leader who is abusing their power and two individuals stand against them. But, beyond that general sense, it’s a little hard to figure out the specifics.

I don’t know the characters. There’s all sorts of weird powers I’ve never seen in Star Wars. There’s a cult I have no idea about and only vaguely know their gist based on the symbol they wear. That makes it hard to dive fully into the story. It comes off as weird sci-fi with a Star Wars meets Akira vibe to it all. It’s not bad, just a bit confusing for those that might not be hardcore into the characters or world. But then again, maybe you don’t really need to know the specifics and should just enjoy the visuals?

In that case, Star Wars: Visions is a beauty to look at. Even in its sci-fi excess of things coming out of mouths and ethereal sequences out of a Nolan film, the comic shows off Momoko’s talents. With a water color like quality to it all, there’s a beauty in the destruction sucking you into the story much like its cult leader.

Star Wars: Visions is a quirky debut showing off Peach Momoko’s talents with a story that is hard to tell if you’re even supposed to know what’s going on. It’s an interesting addition to the Star Wars lineup of comics but overall is a great way to show off the talent of creators who might not otherwise get a chance to dip their toes into the world.

Story: Peach Momoko Art: Peach Momoko
Story: 6.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 7.0 Recommendation: Read

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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