X-Men: Before the Fall – Sons of X #1 is a bit of a mess

X-Men: Before the Fall - Sons of X #1

A man of innumerable personalities and powers vs. the most powerful artificial intelligence in this universe: Legion vs. Nimrod! With Nightcrawler in Orchis’ clutches, David Haller and his allies will have to confront the mastermind who destroyed Warlock and nearly took Krakoa with him. X-Men: Before the Fall – Sons of X #1 feels more like a finale to the storylines that were as opposed to really setting up the much anticipated “Fall of X.”

With Sins of Sinister wrapped up, the X line of comics is in a weird spot as they must not only deal with the fallout of that event but also go back to previous plotlines as well as moved forward to the next storyline, “Fall of X.” It’s all a lot to pack in and X-Men: Before the Fall – Sons of X #1, written by Si Spurrier, seems to have that unenviable task of attempting. The short version is, Nightcrawler has been captured as part of a plan by Orchis to build up negativity towards Krakoa. They’ve manipulated mutants to attack, creating a situation where the public and governments may turn agains the mutant nation. Legion and his allies want to get Nightcrawler back, stop the bad guys… and they have to deal with the fallout of an alternate reality that only Mother Righteous can remember.

Much of the comic is dealt with deals and planning, catching readers up with what’s going on in a voice that feels like a fantasy. It’s all a bit jumbled and odd, bouncing around in focus and hinting at what’s to come. It also wraps things up rather nicely with numerous plots just wiping away a lot of potential and interesting things to explore in one fell swoop. It’s all a little odd in that a lot of what’s explored could have just been dropped with little to no impact to the story and world, an example being Banshee’s entire plotline. It serves little in this comic and its ending would indicate little going forward. It makes for a comic that at times feels like filler and other times rushed to get things wrapped up nicely before the next story can begin. And that next story is danced around over and over in ways that become eye-rolling, especially since much has been spoiled. It’s like when the hero says the name of the movie with a wink to the audience.

The art by Phil Noto is good. With lettering by Clayton Cowles and design by Tom Muller and Jay Bowen in the end the visual enjoyment will come depending on if you like Noto’s style. I myself go back and forth with it and while some works here there’s other moments that don’t for me. It’s completely subjective and your taste will vary. There are some panels that are fantastic, particularly Mother Righteous’ battle with Nimrod but overall there’s something that feels like it’s missing for me.

X-Men: Before the Fall – Sons of X #1 isn’t bad and as a finale to close the books on previous storylines, it does a decent job. But, that seems to be all it does and some of that with a wave of a hand. Coming after an event like Sins of Sinister too, it all feels like an odd timing of release. Those who got hooked from that even will be lost by it all. This is one for those who have been reading these series up to this point only, new readers will want to stay away.

Story: Si Spurrier Art: Phil Noto
Letterer: Clayton Cowles Design: Tom Muller, Jay Bowen
Story: 6.75 Art: 7.0 Overall: 6.75 Recommendation: Pass

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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