Space Job #3 continues the laughs and cringe

Space Job #3

It’s about time someone on this ship took some initiative, and Ensign Masht is on the case! First thing, the late First Officer Sheridan needs a proper send off. While Masht begins work on Sheridan’s memorial, Travis prepares to jump ship (and careers), Dana might have to face the facts about her marriage, and Captain Olivier takes decisive action to outmaneuver the Clooney. Space Job #3 continues the office comedy, no, it’s not a Star Trek spoof.

Written by David A. Goodman, Space Job #3 is another fantastic issue of utter incompetence, staff revolt, and staff disgust. Goodman has put together a series that on its surface might seem like a Star Trek spoof but in reality it has more to do with The Office.

There’s a failing relationship, irritation at an inept boss, and staff looking to leave, it’s more what we experience at work than anything else. It just so happens to take place on a spaceship. What’s great is that the series remains so relatable inspite of its sci-fi setting.

The issue also delivers some ideas as to how the world has gotten to the point it has. We’ve yet to really get a good idea as to where things stand and how space travel was achieve but this issue fleshes all of that out as we now have a better idea as to why things are the way they are.

Goodman also keeps readers on their toes with comments and statements that feel like they come out of left field but also are right at home in the story. An alien explains it likes humans for the “food and porn” just nails the dry and absurd humor the comic is going for.

The art by Álvaro Sarraseca nails the tone of the series. There’s something about the minimalist nature of the series. It doesn’t go for lots of fancy technology instead leaving much of it empty and cold in a way. That’s enhanced by the color from Jordi Escuin Llorach which sticks to blues, greys, and whites, an almost sanitized feel in a way. The lettering by Mauro Mantellez too adds to the dry, clean, cool, nature of it all.

Space Job #3 is another great issue that adds to the workplace comedy. There’s something that anyone that has worked in an office or for others can relate to. While the look might say soaring through space, the reality is, the comic is very grounded.

Story: David A. Goodman Art: Álvaro Sarraseca
Color: Jordi Escuin Llorach Letterer: Mauro Mantellaz
Story: 8.25 Art: 8.0 Overall: 8.25 Recommendation: Buy

Dark Horse provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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