Review: Ant-Man #1

Ant-Man #1

Ant-Man’s back in his own series and things just aren’t working out for him. Scott Lang’s broke after his business collapsed and he learned the hard way superheroing doesn’t pay much. Ant-Man #1 catches us up on all of this making it a good starting point for new readers.

Lang’s living in a literal ant hill as he hopes to get a job doing the superhero thing. He’s now a “hero for hire.” Writer Zeb Wells sets Lang up so there’s some sympathy. You feel a bit bad for him as things haven’t worked out and he’s struggling.

And Wells really rubs in how bad Lang’s doing with digs by his daughter. She’s living with her mom and step-dad and things seem to be in a much better spot there. That just makes Scott come off more as the down on his luck dad. And you feel a bit bad for him.

But, the comic isn’t all sads. Wells makes sure to include a lot of humor so there’s some levity to Scott’s situation. That includes his first job and where that takes him. Where the humor can be fit in, it is. That also gives the comic some nice highs and lows with an ebb and flow that keeps the pacing going well.

The art by Dylan Burnett is an interesting style. With color by Mike Spicer and coloring by Cory Petit there’s a unique style to it all with a blockier look to the characters. It’s hard to describe but it’s a look and design that stands out. The art team also seems to have fun with playing with perspectives at time emphasizing Ant-Man’s schtick.

The comic is a fun one as expected. Ant-Man #1 has enough unique jokes and takes that makes it stand out as well. There’s been so many different volumes and a lot of ground covered but this debut also feels unique in a few ways. It’s still able to deliver something new to readers.

Story: Zeb Wells Art: Dylan Burnett
Color: Mike Spicer Letterer: Cory Petit
Story: 8.0 Art: 8.0 Overall: 8.0 Recommendation:

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review