Review: Gwenpool Strikes Back #1

Gwenpool Strikes Back #1

I’m not really a Deadpool fan. I also haven’t been a Gwenpool fan either for similar reasons as to Deadpool. The fourth wall breaking schtick is something that doesn’t appeal to me as a reader. Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 as me changing my mind on things.

Written by Leah Williams, Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 has Gwen Poole desperate to not disappear into comic limbo. So, she’s on a mission to gain powers to win readers over. The first task is to rob the bank, get Spider-Man’s attention, and maybe unmask him.

Williams lays things out for readers in a fun meta opening. The explanation elevates Gwenpool from “female Deadpool from our world” to something more. There’s a dive into the layered explanation of the character and what writers can do with her. Williams then does it, using the story and character to explore fandom and superheroes.

What really stands out is the art. David Baldeón‘s art with Jesus Aburtov‘s color is amazing. Add in Joe Caramagna‘s lettering and the comic comes together and exceeds my expectations. There’s a point the art shifts as Williams goes overly meta and breaks the pages. Gwenpool launches between the pages and within the comic itself. At that point the art becomes truly amazing with twisting visuals that will make your jaw drop.

The comic had me intrigued with the opening discussion of what makes the character stands out. It’s the later visuals that have me wanting to see more of this series. I wasn’t much of a fan of Gwenpool before but I’m definitely intrigued now.

Story: Leah Williams Art: David Baldeón
Color: Jesus Aburtov Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Story: 8.0 Art: 10 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review