Review: X-O Manowar #22

X-O Manowar #22

The thrilling finale to “AGENT!”

With the help of Atom-13, X-O Manowar has succeeded in beating back the forces of the Unknown… But the militant leader of New Eden, now known as the Cartographer, may have yet another surprise up his sleeve.

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as seeing a story wrap up in a way that does justice to all the characters involved and loose ends dangling, and wrapping up very well at that. There is, suitaby, a couple of threads left to be pulled in the future, but only threads that will leave you hungering for the moment they’re finally pulled.

Matt Kindt continues to show why he’s writing Valiant’s highest profile character (until the Bloodshot movie comes out next year, at least) as he keeps X-O Manowar among the very best comics that the market has to offer. Not in the least because the undertones of the series deal with questions around the nature of individual freedoms verses one’s service to their country (or planet) and their loyalty to family and friends. Kindt weaves these questions within a great conclusion, but takes care not to answer them specifically, leaving the reader to make their own decision as to where they come down in the grand scheme of things.

I hold both Juan Jose Ryp and Andrew Dalhouse in high esteem based on their previous work, and this issue gives a brilliant example of why. Despite the darker tones of the story as individual freedoms clash with the various multi-dimensional militaries, the comic is wonderfully bright and easy to follow  through the various clashes – the juxtaposition often seeming at odds with each other in a dual assault on the senses.

When I fist picked up this series, I didn’t honestly expect to love it as much as I currently do; Kindt has created a marvelous overarching story where each issue has built upon the last, and yet he has also been able to make each new arc easily approachable for new readers. It’s a remarkable feat, but then at this point I wouldn’t expect anything else from one of comics brightest lights.

Story: Matt Kindt Art: Juan Jose Ryp 
Colours: Andrew Dalhouse Letters: Dave Sharpe
Story: 9.2 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.1 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review