Review: Rapture #3

RAPTURE_003_COVER-B_JONES“Ninjak and Shadowman have launched an all-out assault against Babel – the ancient being determined to breach heaven – on the dark and decaying battlefields of the Deadside. But are the combined might of sword and shadow enough to stop this biblical force of nature…or will they need the help of an ancient and weary warrior whose power transcends their understanding? And as oblivion inches ever closer to Earth, Tama the Geomancer and Punk Mambo must step out of the darkness and halt Babel’s forces from infiltrating the land of the living as Valiant’s Shadowman-driven standalone event fight on!”

When you put a comic down and say “holy shit that was awesome” you’re usually referring to the writing, art or some combination thereof. Seldom do you put down an issue and say the same things about the lettering, because when a letterer does a god job you don’t notice it as you spend more time enjoying the issue in front of you; the sign of a good letterer is when you don’t notice their work. But with Rapture #3, and indeed the entire series so far, Dave Sharpe has been bringing to life Babel’s unique way of speaking with a surprisingly effective way of lettering his speech, which allows you to get a mere glimpse at the complex mind of the series villain.

Once again, Andrew Dalhouse‘s colouring is wonderful, and truly bring the Deadside to life (pun not intended). The art team of Cafu with Roberto De La Torre gave Dalhouse some fantastic virgin art to work with, and the end result is a comic that is utterly wonderful to look at. But it’s not just wonderful to look at; Matt Kindt once again delivers a solid script, driving the plot forward without rushing the development of the story – Kindt is truly a master of his craft.

Rapture #3 is another solid issue in the story.

Story: Matt Kindt Art: Cafu with Roberto De La Torre
Colour Art: Andrew Dalhouse Dave Sharpe
Story: 9 Art: 8.75 Overall: 9 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review, but this review is based on the print copy I picked up from my LCS.