Review: Batman #3

BM_Cv3_dsBatman and Gotham strike out together to get to the bottom of the mysterious attacks against the city. Could this novel and headstrong new hero be everything Gotham City needs…at the cost of the Dark Knight?

Gotham and Gotham Girl, Tom King has given us two interesting additions to the Batman world, and I’ll admit I’m not totally sold on them. This issue though, it could be turning some things around on that.

Writer Tom King gives us their history and things seem awfully familiar, and somewhat altruistic, but is everything as it seems? That’s what’s going to be what sells this or not. I have some ideas of where King might be taking this, and I want to see if it plays out as I think it will. If that’s the case, things could get very interesting.

But, other than that origin revelation, the comic is very similar to the previous two issues. There’s a disaster and Batman feeling out these two heroes as the big bad is teased in the background. Not much changed or different at all but it looks like that may change next issue. It’s a good issue, but it’s a bit repetitive, which I wonder is a problem of the twice-monthly shipping.

Artist David Finch makes it all look fantastic. Finch taps into a familiar and classic style for Batman and holy crap is it amazing to stare at. I found myself lingering on pages to catch all of the details. That alone is worth checking it out.

The issue isn’t bad, it’s just too similar to the last two issues. There’s a disaster and Batman doesn’t trust the two new heroes. Hopefully next issue we get a change up because this is a bit repetitive.

Story: Tom King Art: David Finch
Story: 7 Art: 8.6 Overall: 7 Recommendation: Read

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review