Cobra Commander #5 delivers the rise of Cobra

Cobra Commander #5

To build an army, Cobra Commander makes a deal with a powerful ally that can’t be trusted. Now that’s its started, can the Cobra Threat ever be stopped? Cobra Commander #5 wraps up the series that redefines who Cobra Commander is and delivers the rise of Cobra.

Skybound has had an amazing launch of its “Energon Universe.” Each series can stand on their own but together paint a bigger picture that brings together Transformers, G.I. JOE, and more in new ways. But, what’s been truly interesting is the G.I. JOE aspect as both Cobra Commander and Duke each take us to a time before G.I. JOE and Cobra. Each has added new motives as to why those organizations form and their goals and focus.

Writer Joshua Williamson delivers the rise of Cobra Commander in this issue as the scientist turned wannabe terrorist tracks down Destro and makes him an offer he can’t refuse.

Williamson nails the issue by not just delivering an exciting debut of Cobra but really focusing on the relationship between Cobra Commander and Destro. It’s not allies and not enemies, it’s not really even frenemies. They’re more parasites to each other, feeding each other and feeding off each other. It’s a symbiotic relationship and one that’s going to be rocky.

Williamson also emphasizes just how fearful we should be of Cobra Commander. This is a character who is unhinged in many ways and at this point the ends justify the means. He has no issue killing civilians or his own supporters. He has a goal and vision and he’s going to make that happen. It’s such a change from the sniveling failure we’ve seen in the past.

The art by Andrea Milana is fantastic. With color by Annalisa Leoni and lettering by Rus Wooton, the comic just nails each moment visual. There’s chaos, terror, fear, it’s all presented on pages that pop. The team also delivers visual throwbacks for long time fans of G.I. JOE they’ll appreciate and those final moments of Cobra tell so much by the small details within.

Cobra Commander #5 ends the series with exciting teases of what’s to come. Not just clashes between Cobra and G.I. JOE and Destro and Cobra Commander but also the future of the property’s connection to the Transformers. It’s an exciting time to be a fan of all of these properties. This is a comic universe that can’t be missed.

Story: Joshua Williamson Art: Andrea Milana
Color: Annalisa Leoni Letterer: Rus Wooton
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Skybound provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: TFAWZeus ComicsKindle

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