Tag Archives: silence & co.

Picks of the Week: Garth Ennis’ Red Team #3 and 10 Other Choices

RedTeam03-Cov-ChaykinThis week is a solid week of releases and it’s a tough choice to narrow it down to a top ten, let alone a top book, but for me, one of the best new series of the year is Garth Ennis’ Red Team which sees its third issue released this week.

The series follows a disgraced team of cops and their downward spiral as they take the justice into their hands and go outside the law. The story is great, dialogue fantastic and art is solid.

This is a series for fans of cop stories, especially crooked cop stories. Easily one of my favorite series of the year, and one that I hope folks check out before its too late.

So, check out Red Team #3 and the rest of our picks for the week.

  • Garth Ennis’ Red Team #3 – See above
  • Age of Ultron #9 – This is it. One more issue until it all comes together. A lot needs to still happen, so how its pulled off in two issues….
  • All New Secret Skullkickers #1 – Off the rails fantasy awesomeness. While it might say #1, it’s the continuation of the fun fantasy series by Jim Zub.
  • Astro City #1 – Kurt Busiek’s classic series is back.
  • East of West #3 – Its wild west meets sci-fi as the horsemen of the apocalypse  wander a world familiar, but not so much.
  • Oxymoron HC – The hit indie Kickstarter project gets to the masses.
  • Rachel Rising #17 – Why aren’t you reading this series! Amazing horror, go out and find it if you can.
  • Silence & Co. – You can read our review.
  • Suicide Risk #2 – BOOM!’s new series sees regular cops dealing with heroes and villains with extraordinary power.
  • Ten Grand #2 – Joe’s Comics is back with this excellent moody series. The first issue was solid, crossing my fingers the second is just as good.
  • Ultimate Comics Ultimates #25 – Something major is about to go down in Marvel’s Ultimate universe and it’s likely starting here.

Review: Silence & Co.

silence_book_cover_big1Disillusioned hitman Alexander Maranzano feels trapped by the criminal life and family obligations he has always known. When he is contacted by the shadowy Silence & Co. to fulfill a contract, what starts out as just another job quickly turns into a deadly race for answers. From the dusty streets of Marrakesh to the lush jungles of Colombia and back to NYC, Alex’s search for revenge and the truth behind Silence & Co. triggers a series of events that alter everything he has ever known. And change the nature of organized crime forever.

I first saw the description of this original graphic novel, and knew it was right up my way as the type of story I’m entertained by. I was nervous going in, hoping it’d live up to the hype and expectations I was building in my  head and it did. Silence & Co. is a fun and entertaining graphic novel, for fans of James Bond and 80s testosterone driven action movies.

Written by Gur Benshemesh with art by Ron Randall, the graphic novel is a fun read with enough twist and turns and double crosses to satisfy anyone into action comics. With this type of story I want a few things; 1) cool action sequences, 2) a nice femme fatale, 3) some over the top plan, 4) lots of double crosses with close calls. The story has it all.

The story is supposed to be like the action stories we enjoy, where we can turn off our brains a bit and enjoy the bullets whizzing around. This is about a hitman who is hired by a shady organization to pull off an over the top mission which then leads to all kinds of double crosses and twists and turns. It delivers on all of that.

There’s a solid balance of action, machismo, violence all in the name of entertainment that lets the reader not think and just enjoy. That’s a solid thing and I enjoy it. It reminds me of a dime crime/pulp novel which is more about the action than the characters. They’re cookie cutter in those and there’s not much depth here, but these types of stories don’t need that. We need a tough main character going up against a shadowy bad guy. In this case one that’d fit perfectly in a Bond movie.

This is an action movie in graphic novel form. A fun, entertaining read you’ll be able to sit down in the afternoon and enjoy, perfect for sitting outside during the spring or summer and enjoy hot action on those hot days.

Story: Gur Benshemesh Art: Ron Randall
Story: 7.75 Art: 7.75 Overall: 7.75 Recommendation: Buy

Crystal Productions BVI provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review