Dive into the world of Hellboy with Humble Bundle’s Mike Mignola’s B.P.R.D. Book Bundle

Paranormal adventures away with Humble Bundle‘s Mike Mignola’s B.P.R.D. Book Bundle. Dig into the exploits of the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, the first line of defense against occult threats in the Hellboy universe! This bundle is packed with over 30 volumes of the long-running B.P.R.D, cataloging the organization’s struggles to protect the world against all manner of paranormal threats. Get acquainted with the backstories of beloved characters like Abe Sapien and Liz Sherman, and treat yourself to some epic yarns starring Hellboy himself. Pay what you want for this bundle of top-shelf comic adventure and help support the Hero Initiative.

The bundle features 36 items valued at $666 and you can get it all for just $30!

Mike Mignola's B.P.R.D. Book Bundle

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