JewCE 2023: Holy Graphic Novels!

To go along with the Jewish Comics Experience exhibition, JewCE held a convention with numerous panels highlighting the history of comics and it connection to Jewish culture and history. Taking place in November, the convention has now released all of the panels for streaming and to watch on demand.

It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane! It’s… Moses! And Miriam, and the Maccabees, and the Megillah… and all of our sacred texts and heroes (and not just the ones that start with the letter M!). They’re being given renewed life and attention in Jewish comics and graphic novel—and now, for the first time ever, you can thrill to the amazing adventures of their talented creators—both commercial and cutting edge—as they reveal the secret origins of their art and careers!

Moderated by Jordan B. Gorfinkel, the panel features JT Waldman, Jessica Tamar Deutsch, Mat Tonti, and Willy Mendes.