Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #1 delivers pop action

Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #1

Agent Scarlett Carver and her team embark on a thrilling game of cat and mouse as they’re thrown into the high stakes world of technological espionage. It soon transpires that the effects of Project Stardust reach further than anyone had anticipated – there are new threats emerging, and this time, it’s personal. Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #1 piles on the action for a hell of a start.

Written by and art by Des Taylor, Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #1 kicks things off with solid action sequences and twists and turns as our spies have to retrieve a file for the CIA. At its core, Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #1 is Bond meets Charlie’s Angels with bombshells dropping bombs, shooting bullets, and kicking ass.

There’s nothing complicated about Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #1, it’s pop entertainment with implausible situations and sequences that excite and titillate. And that’s part of the charm of Taylor’s series. It has fun with its characters, with skimpy clothes and moment that are meant to excite in that femme fatale sort of way. And it works in the blockbuster summer popcorn sort of way.

Taylor’s art style is unique with a mix of classic Fleischer cartoons mixed with cel shading and a bombshell aesthetic. It stands out on the shelves and in collections, a look to a comic that you won’t find elsewhere. The only issue with Taylor’s style is that some characters look a bit too similar. Women tend to have a similar face/head leaving just the hair to make them really stand apart. But, when it comes to the titillating aspects, Taylor has it down. Characters sport sexy underwear in scenes for no real reason beyond evoking a response and looking good. It’s all done with a wink and a nod and part of the experience.

Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #1 is a sexy Bond with lots of action and adventure and setting up what’s to come nicely. There’s plenty of shocking moments as the body count rises and the action ratchets up. If you like the bombshell concept and want to mix it with lots of action, this is one for you.

Story: Des Taylor Art: Des Taylor
Story: 8.0 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.0 Recommendation: Buy

Titan Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

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