WildC.A.T.s #6 delivers a hell of a pivot to the story

WildC.A.T.s #6

With much of the team and personalities established and all the players in place now, WildC.A.T.s #6 is a hell of a pivot for the series. The hints, the teases, it all comes together here as a the bigger picture begins to unfold. It’ll leave the readers asking one question really, are we the baddies?

Written by Matthew Rosenberg, WildC.A.T.s #6 wraps up the first trade arc with the team somewhat scattered and reeling from the death of Cole, aka Grifter. But, not everything is at it seems as the issue delivers a whirlwind of twists and turns that’ll propel the series in its next arc which promises to be a hell of a new direction. It further cements the series and characters’ place in the DC Universe, making it one of the best integrations of the Wildstorm universe yet.

Up to this point, it’s clear something isn’t quite right. Halo Corporation, while seemingly benevolent, clearly has something up its sleeve. All of curtains begin to be pulled back as what’s left of the team smells that something is rotten.

What’s great about Rosenberg’s work as well is his integration of the DC Universe as a whole. Not only have the Court of Owls been the villains behind the scene but the use of Superman, and now Clark Kent, has been excellent as well. Another pretty big hero shows up here too adding to the intrigued of where things are going from here. It’s been a solid folding in of new and old.

The art by Stephen Segovia and Tom Derenick has been great. With color by Elmer Santos and lettering by Ferran Delgado, the comic has looked fantastic with a mix of action, mystery, and humor. The interactions of the characters has been key and the art has conveyed not just the humor of the series but also the relationships between each character as well. The body language and facial expressions have been key throughout.

The series as a whole has felt like it has cracked the code of how to bring Wildstorm and DC together and WildC.A.T.s #6 delivers a launch for the wild ride to come. The series has been full of nostalgia as well as forging its own path. A welcome return of the characters has me excited to see where things continue to go and evolve.

Story: Matthew Rosenberg Art: Stephen Segovia, Tom Derenick
Color: Elmer Santos Letterer: Ferran Delgado
Story: 8.5 Art: 8.5 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle