Review: Old Man Logan #19

A failure from the past haunts Logan…and to correct his mistakes, he’ll need magical assistance. But when he faces opposition, Logan will turn to an unlikely — and potentially treacherous — ally!

In the last arc, Logan was faced with the possibility that in his past/this world’s potential future Bruce Banner’s grandchild would grow into a despotic warlord when Jean Grey – under the control of the Brood – forced him to return to the Wastelands in a vision that took place years (decades?) after he left. Now, in an effort to prevent that vision from coming true, Old Man Logan aims to go back to the future.

Jeff Lemire continues his run on Old  Man Logan with the first of  two-part story that has a unique premise as far as time travelling superheroes go; Old Man Logan #19 takes place over a week and change and has Logan trying to find a way back to the Wastelands resulting in some short, well written, scenes throughout the issue. Lemire also seems to take a moment for an almost meta-message about midway through the comic as Logan comes across a certain guest star. It’s a moment that works both in the general flow of the story, and yet also echoes how many of us are feeling about certain big name publisher’s favorite (or one of their favorite) tricks they’ve been pulling over the last few years.

As good as Lemire is here, unfortunately, Filipe Andrade‘s art wasn’t what I hoped it would be – although it’s perfectly serviceable (and better than anything I could do), it just didn’t click for me after the last few issues. Your mileage may vary, however, but I’m not a fan of how some panels feel line heavy without any real detail – again it’s a style that’s just not my cup of tea.

At the end of the day Old Man Logan #19 is a solid entry in the series thus far – it’s just not one of my favorites.

Story: Jeff Lemire Art: Filipe Andrade Colours: Jordan Boyd
Story: 8.5 Art: 6.5 Overall: 7.75 Recommendation: Read

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review