Review: Deadpool The Duck #1

deadpool_the_duck__1Sometimes I think that Marvel are milking Deadpool for everything he’s worth, plus a little bit more; case in point Deadpool The Duck. I can think of no reason for Marvel to mix Deadpool and Howard the Duck, but as a Howard fan who can take or leave Deadpool, I was curious to see the inevitable train wreck that would result from their combination as it happened.

Upon opening the comic, it seemed even Marvel were unsure as they “haphazardly present” the story to you, the reader. Needless to say, my expectations were pretty low, and I could hear the train starting to derail.

And yet the train never left the tracks.

Deadpool The Duck #1 wasn’t anywhere close to being the train wreck that I expected. The Deadpool bits will feel familiar to anybody who has read anything featuring him in the last year or so (and there’s been a lot of that, so I’m sure you have some familiarity), and the sections featuring Howard were as biting as I hoped they’d be. Artistically, the comic is solid, and here the depiction of Howard is another highlight.

The only issue I have is how long it takes from the initial set up of the joining of Howard and Deadpool to the act itself – we clearly know it’s going to happen, so why take your time doing it?

Story: Stuart Moore Art: Jacopo Camangi Colours: Israel Silva
Story: 7.0 Art: 8.0 Overall: 7.5 Recommendation: Read
(But if you’re a fan of either character, buy it. I think this’ll be a solid series once it gets going)

Marvel Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review.