Review: Rai #14

RAI_014_COVER-A_MACK As the Rai of 4001 A.D. (the timeline, not the story) is currently starring in 4001 A.D. (yeah, that time it’s the story), for the 14th issue of the ongoing Rai series we’re tracing another chapter of New Japan’s past.

One of the most consistent things about this comic is the quality of the art; indeed, it was the artwork that first drew me to the series several months ago. Cafu‘s artwork is smooth and effortless, with the joys and despair within the character brought to life wonderfully by Andrew Dalhouse.

Matt Kindt explores a turning point in New Japan’s history, and watching the end of one era and the start of another actually occur is in many ways a heartbreaking read.

With Rai #14 effectively forming both an effective standalone tie-in to the main 4001 A.D., as well as the continuation of the Rai series with a look at a chapter in New Japan’s past. It’s a well written comic that can be read independently of the series it’s tying in to – if you’re already reading Rai. If you’re not, then this may not convince you otherwise, but for thse of us who are already regular readers this provides an interesting insight into the history of New Japan.

Story: Matt Kindt Artist: Cafu Colourist: Andrew Dalhouse
Story: 8 Art: 8.75 Overall: 8.5 Recommendation: Buy

Valiant provided Graphic Policy a FREE copy for review.